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  1. M

    what have you tried that you just would never ever buy again

    Anything from Butler and Wilson. Bought what I thought was going to be a really special present for a friend of mine but when it arrived it was so cheap and nasty to look at and touch I couldn't bring myself to give it to her - went straight back to QVC instead. B&W became Boring and Worthless...
  2. M

    'For you'

    I'm afraid another one which I hate is Anne 'very very' Dawson - I don't mean I hate her, actually she's not that bad all things considered, it is just that she can't seem to say very just once - it always has to be very very...
  3. M

    What happened to Jules Ballantyne?

    I used to really dislike Julian B. Then I met him at a QVC craft event and he was such a nice chap I have liked him ever since, and particularly like it when he is on the craft hours. I would go so far as to say he is probably my favourite presenter now. :happy:
  4. M

    'For you'

    I have lurked for many years but have at last joined - mainly because I wanted to say the phrase 'for you' has had me screaming at the telly for years now. I wondered if I was the only person who noticed and hated it - really glad to see I'm not!! There are bound to be other phrases which...