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  1. P

    Car crash telly!

    First saw Mike Rushton presenting on TJC on weds night I think it was, again covering for a presenter. Was proper funny, he was showing a piece of peridot jewellery and said the colour of it reminded him of the gunge from his skeletor or he-man toy he had as a kid. He is on again now and has...
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    L'Occitane TSV/Beauty Day 17th July

    Hi everyone. Have to admit I do really like the look of the floral tsv. I'm a sucker for l'occitane although haven't bought any since the xmas tsv (got the warm version in green box?). Anyway, just for anyone else who might be considering, I'm doing comparisons with what you could get from the...
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    Honora TSV 3/3/10

    My guesses were spot on today with the colour options - mosiac, sunrise and pastel lilac (which is water lilies.) I've gone for the mosaic and the tuxedo in both the earrings and necklace. Nit eggs indeed :mysmilie_697:
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    Honora TSV 3/3/10

    I suspect the yellow might be the new 'sunrise' combination. I am also really hoping for mosaic which for some stupid reason qvc has decided to name northern lights, which is already available in the 3 strand twist necklace. Yes, the harvest one had red wires Concordia. We have been told it's...
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    Honora TSV 3/3/10

    SCW, the people over at honora on facebook said Ralph's blog was meant to provide clues to the TSV but we're all still ****** waiting for QVC to actually post this blog. Also that whatever it is comes in four colour options, three of which are new. Good luck hunting, I wanna know what it is!
  6. P

    Honora Choice of Cultured FW Pearl 150cm Strand

    Sure Looby, I'll let you know my thoughts when it arrives. Bit rubbish that they didn't have a sample to show us on air. Problem is I think I want a black or grey strand the same, to wear with it, might have to go searching on 'the bay' after the shift in price. I see they haven't bought it...
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    Ralph's little helper

    He definitely means us lizdelassa lol. I know he reads this forum, or at least someone at honora does, because on his last visit I text in to say it was me who won the rainbow necklace which he'd mention the previous night. He said 'oh yes I know who you are, you call yourself Pearl' referring...
  8. P

    Honora Choice of Cultured FW Pearl 150cm Strand

    They have kept telling us pearl prices will be going up, but I was annoyed too as I remember this necklace being much cheaper before it's latest appearance. Still ordered the cherry though, hope I like it enough to warrant the price increase!
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    Ralph's little helper

    I think I read somewhere that Ralph used to be married to Joel Schechter (CEO of honora's) sister. Could be mistaken though so don't take this as gospel, also Jason's mum may well be any number of ladies as Ralph seems to have lots of female fans. Did you hear him mention that all the girls on...
  10. P

    Honora premiers

    Thank you SCW. I love the indigo super long necklace and the indigo unusual earrings, think they will look fab together, very modern. Love it!
  11. P

    Honora - Too much hype!

    Personally, the ringed pearls are one of my favourites. I am 28, and I love the modern styles and colours which honora are coming out with. Yes, some might be seen as overpriced compared with buying direct from china, but I do find honora to be good quality, with the exception of a coin necklace...
  12. P

    Nails inc tsv 9th dec

    Got mine, and love it for the colours I wanted. (The dark teal, purple, and silver grey plus mini caviar and mini jermyn street.) Plan to give rest to a friend for her birthday, but one of the bottles :mad: the burgundy, has a fingerprint smudge, as if someone had the colour on their finger and...
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    Totaly off topic-false nails

    Hi SuziQ, I've never had false nails as I luckily inherited fast growing and pretty strong natural nails (mum's were the same, so I figure genetics can play a part.) From what I've heard and seen from friends though, I wouldn't go for acrylics as they can damage your natural nails even more...
  14. P

    Another Honora TSV on the 3rd of December

    Got mine just now, love em (although I do not love my postman who keeps just leaving the parcels outside the door, he didn't even knock and I live in a block of flats so anyone could just pick them up :mad:). I have chubby arms but very small wrists comparitively. About 6 3/4" I think. They fit...
  15. P

    Last Night's South Western Silver Show!

    Hi Kitten, sorry I wasn't very clear before. The website used to be called relios? It's now It has all her high end pieces, which is called the sincerely southwest range on QVC US. What she brings to us here seems to be just branded as south western silver but tends to be a...
  16. P

    Last Night's South Western Silver Show!

    I love Carolyn's jewellery, as much as I love honora, but so far only have a couple of pieces because the choice we get is nothing compared to her sincerely southwest range in the states. I'm STILL waiting for her website to be updated to accept UK orders. It's supposed to have been coming...
  17. P

    Poor Ralph....

    Ralph seems a nice fella. He has good humour and genuine enthusiasm about his product. And takes the fawning of his many female fans with good grace. If it was me, I'd get a bit freaked out by the over enthusiastic ladies I think?! Especially when they're more interested in him than the pearls...
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    Honora premiers

    Argh, I was wanting to see this one Concordia, because I was thinking about getting it in black. Do you know if they are ringed or not? I prefer ringed. Might order it anyway and just see if I get a nice surprise?! Thanks for telling us the details. Edit to add - Maybe it's not ringed, and...
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    Another Honora TSV on the 3rd of December

    Hi ladies, Ralph was right when he said they haven't been on QVC is the US. They have been on sale in the states from the honora retail store, but they have sold out. The TSV in america was a couple of weeks ago and it was a set of 6 baroque drop earrings (similar to the set of 7 on our qvc...
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    Honora premiers

    Yes Concordia, I don't think the 'royal' necklace will be the royale combination, but you never know. Thanks anyway SCW, you are a good detective! As for royal blue, the next colour Honora are bringing out is indigo, which is dark blue, they a pic on their facebook page. The colour premiered in...