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  1. D

    Sit up email address

    Several problems emailing these situp tv channels. Bestbuys don't always get through. You wait for about half an hour and your Inbox says it's not been delivered. I keep trying and most days these efforts are second or third time lucky. Otherwise I'll try the next day. I've asked for them to...
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    Usb internet radio..amazing!

    If this is the VEGA USB dongle then check the websites for product descriptions. This has gone extremely low in the past few weeks. I though £7.99 was good but it has gone for less than a fiver. Some of shopping channels have Audio and Vision themed half hours which include products with USB...
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    Decided to treat myself....

    I got a 330 sized globe in a £1 megadrop. I had to assemble it and it looked fantastic. The blue sea model is the best so I was lucky to get it. Later on a beautiful globe was sold for about £20. It had ornate pictures that looked like Blake's etchings. I had to assemble that as well. It looks...
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    Highest ever quantity at sit-up

    Even if they can't sell them all, they've introduced a clock that ticks for 2 minutes so they can end the auction regardless of what you hoped the prices would fall to. Usually, the price of electrical items will fall over a few months. Digital cameras have fallen surprisingly low. This...
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    Usually the items over 3 kg arrive by courier and these are accepted by courier if returned. Items that may be less than 3 kg may be bulky and not delivered by the postman. I get some post office van deliveries, too. I don't like paying £8 and £9 a go for deliveries but items arrive within days...
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    Question about non-stop drops

    Non stop drops depend upon viewers liking a product so much they can't be patient enough to wait ONE MINUTE so the price drops by another £10 or more. If folks wait, then they save money. There's a mad rush for the last 50 on some of the more popular large quantity items, but I've waited till...
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    omg, rip off!

    Shopping Channel Product Searches As much as I love saving money on the TV auctions, I don't like being charged a premium rate phone call. I use the Internet to search these situp tv websites and I compare prices, sizes, descriptions and if products would work on the Windows 98 SE PC or not...