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  1. ohnonotshoppingagain


    Whilst I agree with some of your opinions, except those referring to Ophelia. I have stated on this site in the past that we use our fingers to post our thoughts, not our faces! It is very difficult nay impossible to see facial expressions of fun, laughter, tongue in cheek and anger. We...
  2. ohnonotshoppingagain


    I have stated many times I can't stand her, but she is not the only one. I would like to reiterate to the person who said turn your tv off, or words to that effect. I already do this, I don't know about others on here maybe they just grin and watch despite moans. However, I do...
  3. ohnonotshoppingagain


    yes her too ❤️❤️👍 I wonder if QVC realizevwhat a turn off.
  4. ohnonotshoppingagain


    three times this week I have had to switch off or switch channels again his morning with the MarlaWynne hour. I simply cannot stand this fake woman and her vocals.
  5. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    If I remember correctly ECOTAN was a huge seller on Q with great reviews. Was it not Australian? I had a look if it's the same product Superdrug have it.
  6. ohnonotshoppingagain


    LoL it can also mean she damaged something severely, I suggest her brain LoL
  7. ohnonotshoppingagain


    Thickos regardless of who they are. I was never an admirer of Jade Goody, and don't understand those who were. Today looks like "won't watch QVC" day, Alex Kramer, Ophelia Dennis and Charlie Brook day, I just looked their TV Guide, not interested.
  8. ohnonotshoppingagain


    LoL you are a kind lady more so than me. I will stick to my original opinion👍
  9. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    Yes, precisely where it came from. I know those who told me knew what they were talking about, especially back in the day.
  10. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    I have seen many and you're right👍
  11. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    of course I cannot prove this to be so but my Italian and Maltese relatives have told me the same thing. I had a friend who has since died, her husband taught Italian, and they went to Italy on average three times a year for a month. My mother told me that he said the same thing. I think...
  12. ohnonotshoppingagain


    that is because she's ignorant! well said.
  13. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    I am from Italian/Maltese it was a wealthy relative who told me this over lunch one day in Ravello.
  14. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Samsung TSV 27/06/24

    ah never thought of that 👍👍👍😜
  15. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    Mediterranean women like to stay tan free so they look wealthy as tans reflect the lower poorer classes they think 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Vogue Williams

    I think she is beautiful. I have not tried her self tan yet. Traditionally I don't like them.
  17. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Skinsense TSV 26/06/24

    Ad nauseum for me literally, there must be no-one left in the country who does not use this, it is aired so much.
  18. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Samsung TSV 27/06/24

    this will be a good phone. I don't need a new phone but my current phone is a 2019 one so I am thinking I should just buy this to keep when mine dies.
  19. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Kim & Co TSV 14/06/24

    I agree with you, and yes I think these sizes are based on Canadian sizing.
  20. ohnonotshoppingagain

    Kim & Co TSV 14/06/24

    Yes I find this too. For busty reasons I need a size 22 sometimes a 24 but the sizes don't seem to me at least to correlate with our sizing, mind you it is not just with Kim to be fair.