Sorry for spelling mistake. I overheard on the bus that the staff had to go through every tilly box as one item was out of date. The lady said what a bloody job. She was glad to be getting home. You couldn't help but hear as bus was empty and she spoke loudly. Just check all your tilly items x
I haven't watched Dawn for the last 6 to 8 months on c/c. Is she still with Al and is Helen still working with her. I looked her up on Instagram and it said she was on her own on new year. Just being nosey, thanks
I am in no way being nasty to anyone. Q have a massive beauty department. Who do you think out of the presenters use if any, fillers or botox? I have nothing against anyone using them.
What is the best skincare to use. If so what ones? My Daughter and I have beauty/skincare stashs. Just advice...
I placed a beauty tsv order and it was not delivery by hermes. I have too be honest I never have a problem with hermes. They are normally very good.
I ordered the percy and reed tsv. I was really looking forward to receiving it. A week went by no tsv, so I contacted QVC. I got this answer from a...
I loved Debbie when she was first on QVC. I even 🙈 wrote a letter to QVC asking if she had left and where had she gone to. Don't all shout at me. They said she had left and she wanted to do other things basically.
When she returned to QVC the change in her was unbelievable. I don't like being...
I know Claire has left QVC. They never gave her a show to thank her for all the years she was on QVC. She popped into say on Jackie and Simon? lunchtime show to say she was leaving with a wine filled glass with wine obviously, well don'tknow fir certain. They could have do something alot more...
I hope one of my favourite presenters Jill Franks is ok. I hope she isn't coming down with anything. Her voice isn't sounding good.
Don't shout at me as Jill is one of my Fav's xx
IMO i definitely think Ali keenan has. After everything she has been through healthwise I wouldn't have bothered. Then again may be it makes her feel good, that's fine. If its through work and to keep her job that must be sad. Although she talks ten to the dozen she seems a very nice lady x
I have 3 gatineau passport points, up to the value of 12.
I DON'T want anything for cash for them. I will post them out free of charge. You can pm if anyone genuinely uses them x
My Cousin works for QVC in liverpool. He said all his colleagues are getting 30% of every item they stock, for the next 8 weeks. They normally get 20% off. He bought me some molton brown £3 per bottle in the shop they have on site. He bought my Sister a brand new coat for £5. Its absolutely...
Don't they do cup of chance anymore?? I don't watch much but noticed no cup of chance. I was wondering if it had anything to do with social distancing???
I haven't been watching too much qvc for a good while. It stops me from falling for the sales pitch esp beauty items. Have they stopped live phone calls to studio now??? x