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    Sarah Wait - I bow low.

    Okay, I have warmed to Sarah. She did shows today where she said, from the outset, she was not going to say jewellery was worth thousands, she was not going to compare it to designer brands - in short she was not going to use any of the selling techniques we say we hate here. She said she was...
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    As we post our thoughts about Gemporia here - good and bad - here is a positive one for a change. I have to admit I am rather enjoying the sale. Some decent reductions, some pretty pieces and - on the whole - the calmer presenters. Apart from a couple of shifts. Best of all, I have not spotted...
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    Who is this awful, shouty woman?

    Just tuned in. New presenter? Blonde, glasses, very toothy, drops her aitches and shouts a lot. Another one with the patronising, faux enthusiasm of a budget-cable-TV children's TV presenter- just like Ellis (hello Ellis). I can cope with all of the preceding except being shouted at and being...
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    Adverts? Cunard?

    I may have been hallucinating - but I swear I just saw an Ad for Cunard on Gemporia. You know, the one, that goes: "I wonder, I wonder...." It seemed to be cut with more aspirational images of jewels than the bog-standard ad on ITV, but obvious Gems are flogging time to make more cash for Santander.
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    "House of Malachite" - LOL! - Trough and Angeline

    On now, "House of Malachite". Trough seems to have caught Ellis's delusion of grandeur with no real understanding of the correct use of "House of..." or the history of that terminology. The arrogance, the ignorance and the hubris is almost tangible - and definitely laughable. I actually laughed...
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    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Watching a bit of Gemporia. Just tuned in to see Ellis selling "Menagerie" charm bracelets and charms by Kimbie. Ellis said: "This is the latest offering from the House of Kimbie". I was alone but actually laughed out loud at the sheer pretension of it. It's Kimbie love, it's not Chanel. What...
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    Another change - not for the better!

    I saw a necklace I liked on a show. I thought about it and a couple of days later thought I would order and take a look at it. I phoned customer service. In the past if I was able to say which show I saw it on, with who and at which price that auction price was honoured. No more. I did the...
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    It's a Natural Opal, that's been Dyed

    Did anyone else catch Lynn Jinks selling Ethiopian Opals this morning? It was an interesting show - for twisted logic. Apparently, labs (some, or one, at least) are now issuing certificates to say that Dyed Opals and Smoked Opals are natural. To be absolutely precise they are "Natural Ethiopian...
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    Now Steady Yourselves... Jess "Three Tops" Foley

    GTN sprays for cardiac conditions on standby. Jess is on now. In a LILAC top! Not grey, not red but LILAC!
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    I strongly suspect Ellis reads here. Hello Ellis.

    This afternoon, Ellis was pontificating that "some cynical people" think that the presenters know what the prices will be and that they are acting when they seemed shocked. She said the presenters have a sheet of paper with the recommended prices but the producers often go lower than this so the...
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    Latest soundbite - "I could not even get this for staff cost."

    Another thing I have noticed in the last few days is a few presenters now have started saying: "I could not even get this price at staff cost/ with my staff discount." It's noticeable because they have all started saying it at the same time during this sale. I do find myself wondering if it has...
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    Treatments - now clearer?

    I have noticed recently that Gemporia are now stating treatments - in full - on their graphics. In the past when an item was shown it said "F" or "I" and you had to be able to look at their treatment page online or call and ask the centre what that letter meant. If you even realised it was a...
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    Company Announcement 20/07 at 16:00 GMT

    OK, Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets - what is the company announcement going to be? Something genuinely worth all the hoo-hah. Or some kind of half-backsided selling ploy - for example something about how some gemstone (my money is on something from China) is going to be massively rare /...
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    No more Gem Auras

    Hi all, started a new thread for this as it was on the thread about Jeff. Gem Auras have confirmed they are leaving Gemporia on their Facebook page. Looks like they are going to be offering courses. Personally, I wouldn't want a course from them as I find their approach that of a dilettante...
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    Watchdog and 14-Day refunds

    Had to laugh. Watchdog, just now, were saying they are hearing more and more examples of companies saying they do not have to refund you within 14 days as their terms and conditions say they can take longer. They said those companies obviously do not understand the law and if any viewers hear of...
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    TV Guide

    Hi all, Having recently jumped from the the sinking ship "Gemporia" I am now looking to TJC for jewellery, and so far I am happy. Unfortunately, like Gems it is laden with non-jew ellery items. How can I find out what is on when? Their on-site TV guide gives no hint, except to say "Black Friday...
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    This is something else that is going to have to change before they get another red cent from me. Yesterday, there was a lilac fireball pearl necklace in the auction. I was really tempted but as I have foresworn purchasing from them until they get their act together I resisted. It was a hefty...
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    Dave Troth - Paua Shell

    As I type Dave is on, selling Paua shell jewellery. He's cracking on that it's a super-duper quality they have never had before and vastly superior because it has a greater number of colours and RED in it! I checked my own paua pendant - bought years ago. It has loads of different colour in it -...
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    Ignore User Function

    In case it is useful to anyone at this present, slightly heated and possibly spam-ridden, moment. I just wanted to say there is an "ignore" user option. Just go to one of the user in questions posts and click on their initial and it will come up.
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    Refund Policy - 30 working days!

    Apparently refunds are now taking up to up to "30 WORKING days". I could vent my spleen here, but I think that the bald fact of that is far more damning than I could ever be.