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    Gtech TSV household helper 6/9/14

    There is a Gtech TSV coming up, I wonder if they will do a combined Air Ram and multi tool...I am hoping it is just the multi tool on its own.
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    A'kin and Trilogy

    QVC used to do a lovely range called A'kin, I wondered why it was dropped? Anyway whilst looking for another A'kin stockists I came across Trilogy, has anyone any experience of this brand, they appear quite ethical?
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    Liz Earle TSV 27/1/13 - Beauty Day

    Hello super sleuths, do you think anyone will be able to find out what is in the Liz Earle TSV at the end of January? Thank you
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    Shopping Telly gets mentioned?

    On the 8.00am show I'm pretty sure Burly Bear got a mention by Jules :clapping:, didn't quite catch what he said though, did anyone else hear it?
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    Gardners at 20 paces!

    On this morning's show, RJ, the dodgy garden centre salesman got so uptight with a guest presenter he threw his toys out the pram, he cut in and pointed at the camera and said 'This is MY show'! Charlie look astonished and the guest was clearly miffed! I just think it showed his true colours...
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    Fashion query

    Hi there, I am in need of some fashion advice and you guys are always helpful and more importantly honest so I've come to you as Gok is unavailable. In a bid to add colour to my wardrobe I've bought some casual to smart shoes in a glossy red/claret colour. I usually stick to browns or blacks but...
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    A'kin recommendations

    Calling all A'kin experts. There is a 9.00 show tonight (which will clash horribly with Torchwood) but anyway I know nothing of this brand but it appeals to me as it seems to be paraben free. Are there any products you guys would personally recommend from the range? Thanks folks.
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    Caller from Scotland

    Anyone watching this? Does this happen often?
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    Newbie onboard

    Hello there I came across this forum a few days ago and haven't been able to leave it alone, so I've taken the plunge to join you all, if you'll have me? You seem an upfront and honest (and slightly wacky but in a nice way) kind of gang. Looking forward to moaning about the presenters, grabbing...