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  1. R

    New IT System - Its in!!

    Hi All, Just a quick one. I would just like to inform you that the new IT system is now installed. After first putting it in on Tuesday and a day of issues it seems to be funtioning well. We are continually monitoring and will be correcting any issues if they arise - please let us know via...
  2. R

    Can't See Rocks & Co. on FreeView channel 49?

    Hi All, Just to point out that to receive Rocks & Co. on Freeview channel 49, you may need to Retune/Rescan/ your FreeView box. It may also be listed as add new channels or if you are unsure then just do a full installation and that should be within the menu section of you FreeView box (check...
  3. R

    Outstanding issues PLEASE READ!! (I WANT TO HELP YOU)

    Hi All, First of all, please accept my apologies for the continued problems you may be having. If you have any outstanding/overdue issues, regarding problem orders/refunds/out of stock items etc... please PM Me, Today Saturday and Sunday - Can you please make the subject of the PM "COO PROBLEM...
  4. R

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Hi All, I am the newly appointed COO (Chief Operating Officer) at Rocks and Co. I have been working in shopping TV for over 6 years and specifically jewellery shopping TV since 2004 working in multiple areas of the business for another Channel (you may guess who!!!) First of all I would like...