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  1. S

    Rocks & Co

    Hi All, Having picked up some tips from here, I've visited rocks & co for the first time today, wow totally hooked! 4 items for just 1 p&p charge of £5.95 and their jewellery is fantastic, prices are absolutely brilliant. Yet to see what cs is like. x
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    Make do & Mend

    Hi All, Is it just me or are others feeling quite anxious about the economy and outlook at the moment. QVC are quite clearly 'putting' additional measures into place ie recycling products to try and minimize any loss. It's clear from the threads that this really isn't just the odd isolated...
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    Diamonique Glamour Grey Collection

    Any idea's re tonights TSV
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    No Christmas Card BUT A Letter!

    Hi All, Well like a few others I have had the dreaded letter, summons to ring qvc finance department. Having read the previous threads I was a little more prepared than I might have been. Alledged crime - 59% return rate However, on looking at my last 3 months activity on the web link, I see I...
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    Hyper-inflation|ukhtml|Cor_uk_MyAcct,html purchased these fab earrings from last clicks in november priced £14.03 total £17.48 incl P&P - Now see they are back in stock at £41.25 plus a further £3. 45 P&P Only wish my...
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    Gold prices

    Hi, Is it just me ? I can't get my head around the prices for some of the gold products. Clogau for example, lovely designs but what a price! We're never told gold weight probably because we'd be horrified at the gram for gram price. Over the last few months interestingly gold has dropped in...
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    Bargain Hunter

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum. I’ve been shopping with QVC about 3 years. Having been quite a 'careful shopper' previously, I have recently spent quite some time at home post surgery...this unexpected leisure time has resulting in rather more retail therapy. I have endeavored to track down those...