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  1. W

    Would you want a measuring jug for Christmas?

    If anyone's thinking of buying me a torch for Christmas DON'T - unless it's the other ones in the gift boxes with the glow in the dark strip round the edge, ideal for the glove box etc. Actually, who wants a girly animal print torch for a pressie when you can have an insulated shopping bag? :grin:
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    Windows 8 and Skype Help

    I think it's just that I'm not used to laptops in general as well as Windows 8! The mouse is very sensitive and I find that when I'm on websites and scrolling down the side of a newspaper page for example, I often end up viewing an advert and have to close the tab but my son showed me the key...
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    Windows 8 and Skype Help

    I've got a new Acer laptop with the Skype tile on it but I haven't used it yet - what problems will I find and how did you solve it? Plain English please, I'm not very techie, although I'm getting used to Windows 8 gradually just by using it and there's a tutorial on the Acer website I think.
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    Empty Nester Alert - support needed!

    Well, most of his friends have gone now, just my lad and his friend left to go their separate ways next Saturday. Nearly bought everything now, Ikea, Dunelm etc etc, Railcard ordered and I've got the week off work, saved up my annual leave so I would have enough time at home as I could. Funny...
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    Empty Nester Alert - support needed!

    Thanks everyone. I'm definitely going to sort out Skype before he goes. I've just had new curtains in my bedroom and I'm now thinking of decorating the house throughout - that should keep me busy!! His girlfriend goes to her Uni before he does so there'll be tears all round in a couple of...
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    Perhaps you should think ahead....

    Craig is amiable enough but speaks as someone who leads a totally self indulgent lifestyle. I don't know his personal circumstances but he gives the impression that all he has to think about is his appearance, his diet and his perfect home. How lovely for him, but that's not the life most of...
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    Yankee Candle Set of 3 Artisan Floral Large Jars Super Bargain Price

    SCW, where do you buy large jars for such a low price?
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    Empty Nester Alert - support needed!

    I know I'm not the first and I won't be the last but my boy goes off to Uni in a few weeks and I'm dreading it. He's only just 18 this week and I've brought him up on my own since my divorce when he was 4 and I'm just going to be lost without him. I'm so proud, he's worked very hard and he'll...
  9. W

    Do we all have someone like this in our lives?

    I think the title of your thread is correct - we all have someone like this in our lives! I worked with a social climbing friend for years and years but gradually she faded out of our circle of friends because we weren't good enough for her. I wonder if we will be now she's fallen on hard...
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    Best / worst voices on QVC!

    Like - got to agree with your choice of Alison Keenan's diction. Also, she's intelligent and well read so she can usually say something more interesting than most of the others. George Simonton - so gentle and from a bygone age. Like a quiet Liberace, if you can picture such a person. Jilly...
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    Where is QVC seX factor

    Other markets are available :grin: I have to agree, a distinct lack of reasons to tune in lately, the station seems to be over populated with hyperactive women.
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    Amica the Beautiful Model

    So sad to hear about Amica's passing, such an elegant, beautiful lady, my condolences to her family. I'm sure most of us have been touched by losing someone far too early to cancer and it's always a heartbreaking experience to go through. As for Claire's comment about "treating yourself", I...
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    Pippa With Sleeves

    She can cut her hair into a flourescent green mohican as far as I'm concerned :) She had her hair short for so long she was probably due for a change, like Kathy Tayler who had that short, spikey cut for ages. I'm more curious about Pipa's sabbatical - I thought I read on here that's she's...
  14. W

    What happened to the fashion expert?

    Steady on, Moth! He might be relaxed but you could never accuse old Glen of being "watchable", he waffles on ad infinitum with his tired old cliches, I can't tolerate him for more than a couple of minutes. Although I agree that DF's barrow boy style is exhausting, totally the opposite to the...
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    My Grandma Bad News

    Sorry this is quite late, SCW, but condolences to you and your family. Best wishes x
  16. W

    Refurbished Laptop - Yes or No?

    Hmm lots to think about. I'll definitely go for a laptop over a tablet, as I've been touchtyping for years and I like a keyboard and I think it's more of a desktop replacement. Most of the refurbishment companies give a 6 month warranty though. My ex bought our son a new Medion laptop from...
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    Refurbished Laptop - Yes or No?

    My desktop is due for retirement - it's over 10 years old, it's slow and it frequently crashes. Also, it takes up space in my living room and I've decided I could manage with a laptop instead - I still want to have a CD drive and I can touch type so I want a keyboard for emails etc. I don't...
  18. W

    What do you do with unused charity bags?

    Seems I'm worrying too much about this! I'm just going to use them as waste bags, at least it saves me buying more bin liners. I agree, if I'm giving to charity I just take stuff to the local shop and I know it's going where I intend it to. Thanks everyone.
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    What do you do with unused charity bags?

    I have no end of plastic charity bags through my front door, far too many to put anything in as they are so specific about what they want and often I forget to put the empty ones back on the doorstep for collection. What should I do with all the unused ones? I know it sounds daft but I feel...
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    A-Z Fruit & Veg

    Whoops!!! Nectarine O