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    DK. Tanzanite grading "Ultra Delux"

    i was watching the "one collection " with Don at the weekend i like Don and have done since his days at gems with steve bennett but he was going on and on about ultra delux tanzanite being the best of the best so what about quad A i thought that that was the best that was mined im unsure...
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    Presenters 'white noise'

    i totally agree with you all the new women presenters except lynn seem to look like they are going to burst its like a fit of omg!!! and a laugh then the shouting starts and adina is the worst one it drives me mad theres no need for that fake gushing im sure !!!
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    Sort "your hair" Jilly !!!!

    i was watching jilly halliday presenting , whats going on with her hair it looks mega over conditioned and greased to her head, while she has very long locks that look great when your a school girl that lengh is just to long to be flattering at her age its time for a cut and restyle that hair...
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    Genuine Minoir Watch

    you must not forget that james is an" EXPERT" and a collector just like he is with everything on the planet a true book of knowledge brimming with SH*T IT JUST FLOWS OUT
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    Remember when viewers used to ask for signed photos of the Presenters?

    wouldnt mind a couple of pics of JF one for the mantle to keep the gran kids away from the fire and another for darts " fringe practice"
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    1p gold earrings bargain "or not"

    yes radio_dayz they were encouraged to multibuy for gifts bidtv hang your head in shame .
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    Stock up on the perfume

    Peter sherlock will be buying all the duff stuff to mix it all in a big bucket and create his own fragrance "job done pete"
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    Cameron reaction to Scofield's List

    since when was all paedophiles gay men or women what a idiot cameron is his comments are more likely to cause a so called "witch hunt"
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    i agree i paid £9.95 for next day del on my item that took 2days to come,then when i sent it back it was £6.25 and it took 1day to get back to them it needs sorting postage across all the shopping channels is different it needs pulling into line soon !!
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    Mike "Del boy" Mason - was I hearing things last night?

    just checked out mikes "ive sung in the biggest venues in the world claim" hes right hes sung the numbers out in every gala bingo all over the world ha ha what a sad act xx
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    Mike "Del boy" Mason - was I hearing things last night?

    mike said last night that he has had dozens of speakers "so he knows a good speaker when he hears one " and i know a good bullshitter when I hear one as well. he said he paid £1000 for his speakers im shocked he must be being paid to much , But OH i forgot he is also a singing star that has...
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    Mike Mason must be desperate to keep his job?

    i bet them two bullshitters were fighting for that item but manic mike won never mind james "if **** could fly he would be squadren leader "Russell im sure there will be a chance for you to ******** about something over the weekend !!!
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    1p gold earrings bargain "or not"

    Spotted the gold coloured waterfall earrings this morning and guess what there down to 1p what a bargain. They are dated, cheap and nasty and that is to good a description for them but they still charge £7.99 post and pack its not on!!! a small box would no way cost that to post so how much...
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    Mike Mason must be desperate to keep his job?

    saw this myself last night and he went on and on. " but dont forget he EQ the sound for some of the biggest venues in the world" what a joke hes full of it . IF I WERE HIS LADY/SLASH/GODDESS. i would buy two just to drown his ******** out !!!!
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    Lulu guinness "how much"!!!!!!

    Just watched julia this morning showing lulu guinness shoe key ring and later on a bag OMG!!! the price is huge for a crappy looking cheap nasty keyring at £40.00++ the best thing about it was the box it was in and julia was bigging it up how lovely it was and imagine getting it on christmas...
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    Lulu and Alison Young

    Lulu has had a load of work i dont know how she has the nerve to sit there flogging her time bomb as the reason for her smooth looks and Alison knows it !! come on Lulu fess up were not blind !!!
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    Biggest HissyFit?!?

    I would love to see super clean OCD twins simon and charlie cleaning the dunny it would be great to see then less than perfect ha ha !!!
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    Biggest HissyFit?!?

    dont forget julia roberts im sure some small jungle birds would enjoy her hair as there home for 2 weeks as without her hair straightners it would be like a birds nest ahhhh
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    Biggest HissyFit?!?

    that fringe belongs to ken pavers love to see them two in the jungle fighting over it and JF falling about in her heels all they need is moria c with her vellutti bag top of the bag for JF heels and the bottom for kens wigs and a super scarflace that JF will turn into a dress !!!
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    What Brands would you like to see re-introduced

    i wonder if marcel is still alive he was very old years ago !!!