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    Mike Mason - Outrageous Claim

    watched mike the liar last night and was shocked they have sunk to new levels with these so called" lightening ridge opals" they gave no carrot weights for them he kept saying there massive!!!!! and what were the stones on the shank of the ring he never mentioned them ive been buying jewelry...
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    Russell and Opium Perfume

    i wonder if kat is james russells mum watching his hours and taping them and i also wonder if mike masons /goddess is her daughter just wondered ?????????
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    Sally Jacks

    i bet its not a personal shopper its a body guard to keep all thoses bid shoppers from tackling her about the crap she shouts about and the mega expensive p&p
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    Sally Jacks

    to hear "shouting sally " talk she shops in burnley all the time i also shop there and i have never paid £8.00 for parking i wonder were she parks for that i feel that burnley borough council would be rubbing its hands if parking was £8.00 per visit come on sally who are you kidding stop...
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    The Cheek... Caroline Lyndsay

    i hate to say this kat but you seem very defensive about the presenters on bid i think you need to take off your rose coloured glasses and see them for what they are high pressure sellers i feel that you do not like the forums comments about the presenters as you state comments are be horrid...
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    The pot and the kettle.

    like i have posted in the past about these certain presenters ie james russell , sally jacks, mike mason , nicola george,peter simon and caroline they are just full of it they have no morales what so ever as long as they get the sale !!! if they are as talented as they make out why are they...
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    The pot and the kettle.

    im glad you have found some bargains that you like but dont forget the £38.08 for the pleasure of ordering them and getting them delivered to your home
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    Links of London Bracelet

    i was shopping in manchester city centre yesterday and went in a jewelers that were stocking links of london and the med sweetie bracelet was £125.00 i have one that i got of links of london on line and the oylmpic games braclet with stones and i got them from peter jackson that was £175.00 so...
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    Russell and Opium Perfume

    i agree with wirral70 james russell is a true king of making huge name dropping comparsions with anything that sounds like its worth a fortune and resembles nothing like what hes selling im sorry kat if you feel james russell is treated harshly with the comments placed on this forum but james...
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    AMAZING Bid buys!

    good for you finding bargains !!!!
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    Tonight at 5

    im not suprised he has named it after himself" Phenomenal woman" i think a better name would be " stiggy"
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    Tonight at 5

    cant wait for that im going to finish work early on the strengh of watching this premire ha ha !!!! bet it smells sexy and abit like kouros!!!i think its time for new products BID TV if presenters are having to come up with stuff for you to sell Oh and i bet its high end , and he is in talks...
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    Lust *love*kiss* mega deal "yeah right "!!!!!!

    I have just watched the female version of batmans "the joker" nicola george with "stig of the dump" peter sherlock selling yet more so called high end perfume and telling people to multibuy for presents they have a nerve !!!! the perfume "love, lust, kiss, Three bottles for one so called...
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    Presenters seemed miserable today

    they are miserable because they have read a few true facts about themselves on here!!!!!
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    JF on the 11pm hour

    i have an aga myself and they are a bloody learning curve to cook with i cant see her getting her hands dirty stoking it up and cleaning it oh JF your so full of it
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    JF on the 11pm hour

    just dropping it in that she has an aga" yeah right " i bet she bought it while she was doing all her so call gifting then found that her friend had one and kept it herslf she is all front and that top looked like her grandmas net curtains " just heard that JF s butler has sent the nets back...
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    "your taking us now" from james russell the pinocchio of bid tv

    I was watching bid tvs" pinocchio" oh sorry i mean James russell last night selling a klaus kobec black ceramic watch he was laying it on thick as usual about how much they had paid for it and then he said "your just taking us now " meaning that we the viewers were ripping the channel off...
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    OMG Russell acknowledges P&P!

    i was watching James the liar last night selling perfume and aftershave or should i say "lying about them " he says everytime about the aftershaves "if you like Kouros" you will love this problem is he says it to every one so all these so called high end aftershaves all smell of Kouros i...
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    What do you want to see inside Mike's Box?

    the gold boxes look like they cost more than the bloody shi*te thats in them !!!
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    Changes at Rocks

    i myself posted a thread on here regarding rocks and co about another subject i never got a single answer of anybody in the forum, maybe rocks is not that popular on here good luck with your question