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  1. S

    Film characters ?

    I agree Claire would be perfect !!
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    Film characters ?

    The book thread got me thinking !, which QVC presenters, guests, models etc would you cast in what film ? Can I suggest Tova in a remake of "whatever happened to Baby Jane", remember the character played by Bette Davis ! Jill Franks in "Pycho" playing the girl who gets stabbed in the shower ...
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    Greg Scott returns to price drop

    Any chance you could bring Paul Weedon and Adam Freeman back with you ?, oh and not forgetting Mike Mason !:happy:
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    new member

    Hiya Doglover :wave2::wave2::wave2::hi::hi: :flower:
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    Reindeer Family are back

    Dont forget the Polopancho :sad::thinking2::flower:
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    if qvc could give you anything....

    I'd like a yellow gold and diamond circle pendant !, at least 3 carats worth though, nice big noticable ones !. The only thing I can see them giving me free is.......a headache !, hassle over returning items !,plants that have died on me ! free P & P every blue moon :cheeky::sad:
  7. S

    is this the naffest naff thing ever?

    It has to be well up there in the "worst" product catagory !, seeind as you plug it it, and most sockets are just off the skirting board who on earth is going to see it ???, poor Rover or Kitty is going to be traumatised :flower:
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    I.M. jacket

    Good for you Artemis :hi:, bet you look great ! :flower:, OH can be so annoying sometimes :cheeky::thinking2:, hope he takes you somewhere really nice to show it off !... Just had a look at the piccy, it looks really nice and "classy".
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    Everyone in the operating theatre can smell me....*giggle*

    The old ladies by me normally wear "Eau de mothballs !" :sad: :flower:
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    Shrewsbury outlet - Anyone been recently?

    Kids eh ! who would have them :cheeky:, take no notice, enjoy yourself :hi::flower:
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    price of rings

    Quite often you could get them under £40, I have a few and love them, but I will not pay the price they want now !.
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    price of rings

    I have thought the same thing for a while now too !, even the ones in the clearance section are way too expensive :envy::sad::thinking2:
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    Is Kim drunk??

    Dont know if she was drunk or not !, but I would have to be to watch her :cheeky::thinking2:, she drives me potty with her presentations, even if I did like her stuff I would watch with the sound turned off ! :flower:
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    Shrewsbury outlet - Anyone been recently?

    I was there last week !, didnt see any Northern Nights !, they did have some pan sets, shoes were "rationed " to ten pairs per day :thinking2:, Oreck two different types, lots of jewellry, crafty stuff, gardening bits and bobs with 50% off the marked price !, lots of clothes with 70% off the...
  15. S

    QVC- has become stale & jaded

    I don't watch any of the craft myself but have noticed that some of the items that are on offer are quite small !, I think QVC should have a "by weight" postage for these items or a maximum postage, I am pretty sure people would buy more :cheeky::thinking2:
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    AY/Mally - I didnt know they made bin bags in red?

    Is it the 60 minute one from the TV ? :thinking2::cheeky::flower:
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    kim & co home range??

    Now thats what I call "confidence" in a product !...confident it will end up in Warrington outlet :cheeky::thinking2::flower:
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    AY/Mally - I didnt know they made bin bags in red?

    I thought the whole look took years off her !!, she looked great :flower:
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    Feather Bed or Memory Foam

    We have had both !, the feather bed went flat OH is built like a large rugby player !, and no end of "fluffing" the bed made a difference....On the other hand the memory foam is lovely, no fluffing up required !...we have the "egg box" type....hope that helps :smirk:
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    Elisa Portelli

    I'm glad shes coming back to our screens !, she has been away far too long :nod: