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  1. R

    Bit Of A Moan & A Question

    Hi Pinkpussycat, Firstly I apologise for you not winning that Green Diamond and the confusion that you had when ordering. Tomorrow I will look into it for you and see if we have that particular item in stock, if not, I’ll see if we have an alternative for you. With Regards the Web situation...
  2. R

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Hi All, OK then, I will put you out of your misery! My Name is actually Andrew (you won't know me as I have never been in the lime light). I would just like to thank you all for your nice welcomes. Mathilda - don't worry, I do have a sense of humour and have taken the liberty to have the...
  3. R

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Hi All, I am the newly appointed COO (Chief Operating Officer) at Rocks and Co. I have been working in shopping TV for over 6 years and specifically jewellery shopping TV since 2004 working in multiple areas of the business for another Channel (you may guess who!!!) First of all I would like...