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    Help - Colombian Emerald Advice Please

    Hi Jacqualina, Meeshoo is the lady with the knowledge and probably a wonderful example of an emerald extracted from her vast jewellery box! On a more modest level, from a novice. I bought a Columbia emerald, a little smaller 0.85 Rhapsody a few months ago. I can't stop looking at my ring when...
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    Oh my goodness they rang me !

    hI Joyla, I am very pleased that Head of CS rings up to say sorry. I am sure that he is sincere and meant it. IW wants to improve the CS etc etc this is good news for everyone! My view is that it wasn't a CS problem to begin with; it's more to do with the procurement (buyers) not paying their...
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    Tha bargain paraiba

    Hi Nikkis I think you pariaba is lovely, I hope it gives you lots of enjoyment. I think you grabbed yourself a real bargain! Sapphireblue
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    How Low Can We Go! ......Gold Weight

    Hi all, I have just seen a Ruby sold £199 for a 6.27ct Ruby with 0.35ct Diamonds and a 1.86 gm 9ct Gold. I have earrings with heavier gold weight! The next item a sapphire ring has a gold weight of 1.66 grams Next item beat the one above 1.20 gms Next Pendant with 0.92gms Sold for £109 ...
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    Does anyone else really like this?

    Hi, If you collect frogs, this is a must! Sapphireblue
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    Hi, my ring size is J I have the same problem. I have bought three rings with single stones or simple designs in ring size O and they have been resized successfully. I was very luck once and bought J size diamond channel set ring. I have a columbian emerald solitaire and its lovely and very...
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    Hi Joyla, I am very please that you have your money back. It's very like IW to just refund your money without an explanation. I had an expereince a few years ago, they took money for a ring and that didn't turn up. When I called I was fobbed off with delivery excuses until I said that I was...
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    When does ruby become a pink sapphire

    Hi, Meeshoo and Sacha, Thank you both for the links and info. I just thought it was me. I am going to have a good look though the sites. I think it’s very misleading of all the TV channels to call a pink sapphire a ruby when it’s not red. By the way Meeshoo your rings are beautiful, I love...
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    When does ruby become a pink sapphire

    Hi gem experts I am a bit confused, I just sat down to have a rest after painitng all day and watching TDand VB selling rubies. The rubies are pink not red. It's not my tv. I have an HD and the colour is good . R&C Tanzanian Ruby is not red either? It’s like a dark pink colour. Sapphireblue
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    Woo Hoo! Look look look!

    Hi Rubyrose, your ring looks lovely and sets of the tanszanite so well I hope that you have lots of enjoyment wearing you ring. Kind regards Sapphireblue
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    I hope its my imagination

    Hi Savage4X "thanks for all those responses, i will definitely post when I receive the ring, pictures, certs etc included. My natural scepticism is still to the fore, we shall wait and see" I was wondering if your ring arrived and your initial impression? Did you like the ring? Did you keep...
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    More nonsense in the descriptions...

    Hi Mathilda, I think that they must be suffering from the say problems as Rocks & Co who was selling Brazilian Rubelite from Mozambique? China is a very big land mass and last time I checked it borders the Yellow Sea, South China Sea and East China Sea and not the South Sea. South Sea...
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    Grip to me hangers - Do they work?

    Hi thank you Scampdog for the info I bought a whole pile of hangers from QVC and one by one they have come apart or the hanger bit detached. I am going to my local TKMaxx to see if I can find replacements in the store Sapphireblue
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    Hi, I suggest that you contact the ASA and tell them what happend to you. You can also go to their website report IW behaviour and make a complaint (just fill in the form) The ASA will investigate IW can't take your money and supply with zero. If IW have got...
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    Steam Generator Iron

    Hi all I bought one of these irons a few months ago! I have a Polti and Steam Iron attachment which I don't use. too fiddly and you have to wait for the pressure valve to release. I have a Tefal steam iron that was OK and costs a lot of money and fizzle out after a couple of few years. So I...
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    Certified Vivid Tanzanite

    Hi all I have to confess that I suffer from Dyslexia and apologise in advance for any mis-spelt words or names. Sorry Gemcherub! Others on this forum are a lot of experience with Tanzanite (Meeshoo and Klosblue) I have notice that TJC prices for premium grade Tanzanite range between £200 -...
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    Certified Vivid Tanzanite

    Hi Gemcherum! How right you are! Just seen a Vivid Tanzanite sell for £2,399 with a carat weight of 7.9ct Wow! Let's hope TD is watching with his cheque book to hand! Sapphireblue
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    Certified Vivid Tanzanite

    Hi all, Just notice this today! Eat your heart out Tony Diniz! Not sure if I can afford any of them, they are all quite big gemstones. However looking does not cost anything! They are lovely! Sapphireblue
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    Not happy. Not happy. Not happy.

    Hi Meeshoo, I am so sorry about your non delivery! I do hope that you get to the bottom of this and give the courier a good telling off! Sapphireblue