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  1. Elliementary

    New Member

    "Catchment" area! Brilliant!
  2. Elliementary

    Flinty's looking fuller

    My mum wore a Playtex 18-hour girdle in the 70s: I even remember the TV ads for them! ("I forgot my 18-hour girdle! Oh, I have it on!").
  3. Elliementary

    The next fashion fad ????

    Fondant Creams, or Fruit Creams, I can't remember the exact name. My Gran used to treat me to those - they were my absolute favourites. Very sweet - even to my sweet tooth. Didn't stop me eating them, though! Quality Street at Christmas. The glorious smell when the tin was opened. Ah...
  4. Elliementary


    I think Maxine looks great in everything she models.
  5. Elliementary


    My previous post, regarding Cordelia & Sally, was, indeed, intended as a joke, as they are obviously neither obese or over 50 (although I don't actually know their precise ages). Please address any complaints to Mr B Johnson, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA.
  6. Elliementary


    I think Cordelia & Sally are 'sheltering', because they're over 50, and obese.
  7. Elliementary


    If you bury your head, it'll be hard to keep an eye out ...
  8. Elliementary


    Shopper, you should have registered a complaint. That is shocking dereliction of duty. They have a duty of care to their patients, and that's definitely not what you received! I don't know how long you have to complain, but I would look into it, as you still may be within the time limit.
  9. Elliementary


    My mum has been in hospital this last week, with a variety of ailments, all linked with digestive issues. (She was taken in on Monday night, and spent 5 hours in the ambulance, in the car park, as she wasn't considered an emergency. But that's another story.) She hasn't been able to eat...
  10. Elliementary


    Try to imagine the look on his face, if you were to say, "I'd like a second opinion, Mr Bastard, as I really don't think you're up to the job".
  11. Elliementary


    I think the main proponent of the 'sunshine' virus-cure was Donald Trump. Maybe he could be persuaded to produce a press-release, on the care of face masks. Just a thought. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  12. Elliementary

    Why does everything.....

    I looked for the sperm lamp, but it must have been very popular ...
  13. Elliementary

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I caught sight of her, very briefly, on one of the fashion shows. 'Sight' is exactly what she was.
  14. Elliementary

    Surprising Comment

    QJ and Simon Wilson springs to mind, Andi. It made me very angry, at the time, as she can bl00dy well afford to buy his jewellery, herself.
  15. Elliementary


    Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to reply properly on this new site! Good to hear you're feeling better, Mazza, and will soon be home, to some peace & quiet! Also happy to hear that you're almost ready to welcome a new kitty, Eric's Mum. Our older boy, Jamie, has been at the vets' this...
  16. Elliementary

    Nina Leonard Fashion Designs TSV 10/07/20

    Glad to have you back, but sorry to hear your sad news.
  17. Elliementary


    Hi Mazza, I've been lurking, rather than posting, recently, and must have missed your broken ankle (so to speak). It sounds awful for you, stuck with a bunch of nutcrackers. I hope you can get moved, once you've had your assessment. In the meantime, watch some crazy cats (or dogs) on...
  18. Elliementary


    Amazon has Cuticura Hand Sanitiser: 6 x 200ml for £14.94; free delivery for Prime customers. Unfortunately, they don't deliver to Northern Ireland, as I tried to get some, for my mum. I still have a bit of a stash, as pre-Covid I was buying the Bath & Bodyworks sanitisers from ebay, which were...
  19. Elliementary

    Help with a return please?

    The collection will be automatically arranged by Myhermes. It's a while since I used it, but I think it costs £3.95, and I think they offer a range of dates.
  20. Elliementary

    Help with a return please?

    Sorry, I should have said that you'll find the link, by going via 'contact us', and selecting, 'how do I retrurn an item@'. They seem to have shuffled their website a bit.