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  1. L

    Annoying Kuhn Rikhon guest

    I eat my own words! Thanks to Quitevacuouschat raising the subject, having dismissed it because I tried, in vain, to return my pan set last year, I rang customer services. They are not demanding return of set, but crediting my account with £15!!! Brilliant customer service, well done QVC, and...
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    Annoying Kuhn Rikhon guest

    You need the whole set Beware, Quitevacuouschat, you will need the full set as they do not accept returns of anything less. I fell foul of this because I have two sets of different vintage. I could not remember which lids and trivets belonged with which set. Also probably I have lost some...
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    The Body Rescue Plan. Has it been postponed?

    Well said, candy cane! I have spent many years working with women with eating disorders and huge weight problems. There has never been a diet I have come across which has worked for anyone, except for the very boring eat less, move more. But many women have spent money they could barely...
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    Annoying Kuhn Rikhon guest

    Thanks for pan replies Thank you very much to those of you who have replied about their Kuhn Rikon pans not losing their non-stick. I bought a KR pressure cooker from elsewhere and am very pleased with it. KR is a well respected name. I think you have just raised an important point ...
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    Annoying Kuhn Rikhon guest

    I loved my cooks essential pans too, so was unhappy to read boffy's post that they have been discontinued. My favourite pans have just started to stick, after about five years. I have seen in a book on cleaning with vinegar that boiling vinegar in a pan for a few minutes revives the non-stick...
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    Annoying Kuhn Rikhon guest

    Are they any good? I liked him too. Certainly preferable to listen to him talking than Charlie with a mouthful of food. I ordered the TSV but then thought, rather late, to look up the reviews for the pan sets. So many one stars because the pans lost their nonstick within days that I hurried...
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    Morphy Richards 6.5 Bar Steam Generator Iron TSV 16/01/14

    Price in the Dreaded High Street £159.99 at John Lewis and Lakeland.
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    Diet chef lady never gets any smaller

    Am I missing something? If you want to eat chemically processed food from tins and packets you can buy them from a supermarket and read the calorie count on the side. You add them up over the day and find out your total calories. You take your shopping bill from the supermarket and read the...
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    Sbc tsv 22/12/2014

    Contains something nasty I fell for the natural/homeopathic hype and bought several sets over the years, but found that I hardly used them. Like someone else said, they seem to be mainly coloured water. Then a few months ago I read an article in a newspaper about some nasty chemical which...
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    Disappearing reviews

    Totally disappeared??? Sorry to piggyback on to a thread about reviews being removed, but I don't know how to start a new thread on this site. Have ALL reviews disappeared today? Is it policy or a technical hitch? I have looked up several different items to see their reviews, and under each...
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    Centigrade Coat with Removable Hood TSV 18/12/14

    Thanks for the emerald note DF was saying that there was no emerald left. But I read your note and ordered one. Thanks for that. I just wish it didn't have a dead cat attached to the hood.
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    Centigrade Coat with Removable Hood TSV 18/12/14

    Who on earth writes this stuff? I hear myself parodying it even as I read it...."this never-fashionable addition to your pre Spring wardrobe.... you can wear whether you are walking across a muddy field to attend a car boot sale, dancing in a ballroom in a five star hotel, or having elevenses...
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    Disappearing reviews

    Reviews Pulled or Rejected I three times attempted to post a review saying that a product had broken down within fifteen minutes of first use. In the first two reviews I specified that it had set itself on fire. On the third one, after two were rejected for saying the truth, I said only that...
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    Centigrade Coat with Removable Hood TSV 18/12/14

    £50+ DF has just said on the Kipling show the "wonderful Centigrade £44 TSV". So that will be £44.99 plus £5.95 or £6.95 .. so in other words, Debbie, the "wonderful over £50 Centigrade TSV".
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    Centigrade Coat with Removable Hood TSV 18/12/14

    Thank you Many thanks for the Centigrade image. I may buy it to go with the wardrobe of almost identical ones I have. To follow a recent thread.... is it long enough to be a coat or is a it a bum-freezer jacket? The problem is that the model has endless legs and it's difficult to find where...
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    Titanium Instyler TSV 11/12/14

    Thanks, Akimbo I am feeling really good now about saving the postage and return postage (£!0!). I was tempted, but having had terrible results with a lot of QVC's electrical devices I held back. So glad I did now because you have just described how useless it would be on my baby-fine hair...
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    You know you've been watching too much QVC ...

    When you look at the price of something in a shop and mentally add to the price on the ticket "plus £4.95 post and packing".
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    centigrade tsv

    Cold Over Area of Thighs
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    Centigrade TSV 27/8/14

    And, very importantly, is a Transitional piece. I don't know how Glen dresses at home, but I can't ever remember looking in my wardrobe and thinking "what can I wear during the Spring and Autumn equinoxes to make that transition between seasons?"
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    Alpha H TSV 19/8/14

    I find Alpha H works well if used, on dry mature skin, just as a face pack type of treatment once every few weeks. My reason for posting is that I turned on the television to watch the show, the first beauty one i have watched for a year or so, and was amazed to see Alison Young's eyes. Where...