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    Paul Becque

    yes agree totally with that... Paul may be all manic ans shouty but i believe he does have morals and did'nt like all the false claims and the bull.... theres not many honest people on there and good luck to him
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    General ridiculousness thread

    the trouble with liars is they have to remember wot they've said, ans St.Peter cant remember wot he's said 10 seconds ago
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    Peter Simon

    St.Peter managed to get 5 mugs for the 'SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR' Thomas Kinkade awful prints at the bargain price of only £299.99 + £9.99 p & p + £1.53!!!!!!! Quite unbelieveable really isnt it, like someone else on here recently said, some people should not be allowed to own a credit card...
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    Peter Simon

    another thing with him is 'BUY TO SIZE' he's always saying it... no i think i will buy a size that wont bloody fit me... idiot
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    General ridiculousness thread

    Guy Kean came out with another good-un this morning, you know how they are always trying to make up excuses to buy from them rather than buying from the high street, well Guy was selling a tray of Fuchsias and said... 'i was in the garden centre the other day and people were PUSHING AND SHOVING...
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    Mike Mason, lies, lies and more lies

    I wonder what Moet and Muffins thinks about this thread.... we've not heard from him lately he he...
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    Peter Simon

    Peter also said that stephen gayford found the leopard he painted 'in a deep BOSH) wot the ell is one of those?
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    Peter Simon

    the crafty old bugger, if you listen he says the price 'plus the p' and does the old 'cut the sentance off'
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    Peter Simon

    St Peter Simon selling the ladies mock croc navy bag.... he started off by saying it was rhumatic (????) and then of course we had the obligatory designer name tourettes say in' THIS IS NOT A CHLOE... THIS IS NOT A CHLOE' (yes we can bloody well tell its not a chloe) 'there are many big...
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    General ridiculousness thread

    when he was selling the above kate middleton ornament thingy he said.. 'she met prince ANDREW, pregnant..... prince william at the edinburgh univercity, not only were they friends they moved in together' it makes you wonder whats going thru his head does'nt it
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    Paul Becque has left the building

    well i will miss paul beque and his manic presenting, i could'nt stand him at first but after a while he sort of grew on me, although only in small doses ha ha. but just imagine being on a cruise ship with him as the entertainments manager! yeah think about it...... there will be no escape from...
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    Peter Simon

    you cant beat a night with St.Peter can you (that dont sound right does it).... anyway he was trying to say... STRAIT SIDED MUGS 'you've then got the most wonderful SIGHT STRIDED... SIGHT, STRITE, STRITE SIDED MUGS with these as well' ha ha what was that again peter?
  13. E

    Peter Simon

    he was selling a wooden effect barrel water feature last night (delicious) and he actually said you can keep your goldfish in it, he was quite serious, and then went on to say you could also keep your tadpoles in it and when they turn into frogs they're gonna love it! the blokes a friggin...
  14. E

    General ridiculousness thread

    well i really hope the 'bargain hunter' who multi-buyed 9 of those hideous bleedin awful things are happy with their purchase! only £109.35!!!! it never ceases to amaze me how some people are so gullible it really is beyond belief
  15. E

    General ridiculousness thread

    the frumpy foghorn was selling a tommy and kate 'high end' green leather shopper rattling on at her usual thousand words of bull per minute when she said 'maybe you are looking for a present for her for mothering sunday.. ok you wont get it in time for mothering sunday, but you can tell her...
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    Peter Simon

    it always makes me laugh when he said 'you've saved yourself a fortune... am absolute fortune' yeah bloody right i have.... cos i hav'nt paid out for any of your old crap
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    Peter Simon

    jesus h they've got St.Peter going so fast tonight he's getting all tongue-tied and flustered 'here weve got two of the errrrrrr not the hand towels and two of the hand towels' ha ha also we heard.... 'weve got the Marla bag later with the delicious hand held handles' silly old git o and buy the...
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    Wayne the chef in action

    hang on here a minute..... i don't think you all realise who he is..... St.Peter Simon said recently he was one of his close personal friends who has been on many cookery shows and is always in the cookery magazines... i believe it cos Peter said so :cheeky:
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    Thomas Brooks shoes

    yer dont say!
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    Have I just tuned into Jackanory?

    not only the purples not only the golds it flows and skips, not only in the manchester evening NEWSES , she was the lady who was invited to that ball, for that wonderful night in august..... the world had changed and the celebrations that you see in her face and the wonderful taffetas the...