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  1. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    is that the same Argan oil that peter simon was claiming was making his hair grow back thicker (results may vary) and his nails were growing at an astonishing rate? you just could'nt make it up, ******** of the highest eschelons, i would love to grab him by the DECOLITAIRE and give him a dry slap!
  2. E

    Peter Simon

    come on, it was obviously the worry angels that got him thru it, he's said it often enough...
  3. E

    and the 'thick as a brick award' goes to........

    another peter simon classic on a thomas kinkade print 'hang it somewhere where you can see it' good idea peter cos i was thinking of hanging it in the airing cupboard ha ha
  4. E

    Merry christmas bidsters and pricedroppers

    wow.... ive seen it all now he he
  5. E

    Merry christmas bidsters and pricedroppers

    What on earth is a rubber chicken handbag?
  6. E

    Merry christmas bidsters and pricedroppers

    i reakon 'our bet' is has got the turkey in the halogen and peter is sitting under the faux fur blanket in his laser cut slippers and philip mercier watch . hope bet loves her oscar and lewis crystal lion pendant its absolutely amazing! stunning!
  7. E

    and the 'thick as a brick award' goes to........

    another one was marina berry saying that 'the watch was great for telling the time' ha ha
  8. E

    and the 'thick as a brick award' goes to........

    St Peter Simon once said when he was selling some shoes 'these are ideal for walking in'
  9. E

    "its live.. From London... The award winning... Peter Simon.."

    wow what a good idea i think i will now try and compile a list of 90 peter simon sayings which deserves a thread all of its own ha ha
  10. E

    How excited Peter Simon got last night....

    someone on here needs to count the number of 'not onlys' he does on one shift ha ha (not me by the way)
  11. E

    Christmas Present

    you got class Wirral70
  12. E

    PETER SIMON - i dont understand you

    more St. Peter Simon daft ramblings..... this time about Belle D'Opium 50ml Yves Saint Laurent.... 'not only 50ml of this extrordinary not only of the passion the spice the intoxication the sophistication this is a scent for any women at any time, its mysterious and dark ita a note that...
  13. E

    Is It Just Me?

    what was the jist of the insult by bingowings that has been deleted? i missed it and feel left out
  14. E

    I can see I'm preaching to the converted.

    'Diamond encrusted' i think was the description ha ha
  15. E

    Is It Just Me?

    this is a very good point, whilst i cant stand all the bull all the time its so addictive in a strange way, i love it...... SADLY :mysmilie_17:
  16. E

    I can see I'm preaching to the converted.

    Surely you must be mistaken..... i thought Christen Lars was a 'MASTER OF HOROLOGY'
  17. E

    PETER SIMON - i dont understand you

    its a clever use of nonsense old frumpy head tilt caroline is another one who can talk non stop for ten minutes without so much as a breath, its a skill
  18. E

    PETER SIMON - i dont understand you

    We've all seen him do it, when the violins start playing or the holy choir pipes up, he 'goes into one' as he starts introducing the best thing today (since the last sale), as he is making up the cover story, tugging at maud and elsie's heart strings a'la worry angels. To me it is all just a...
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    Jenny Topp

    she also mentioned how this new gear was not uncomfortable like the old ones they used to sell.... i cant remember them saying how uncomfortable it was before.... funny that
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    i had a phone call out of the blue the other day with an indian sounding man wanting to ask why i had not bought from them for a while and offering a £5 credit on my account in return for my answers... so i told him i can buy most of their crap from poundland in town and save on postage... i...