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  1. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Jenny Topp was good enought to give us some of her Chemistry knowledge earlier 'this shampoo is made with Sulphur which is made up mainly by salt'....
  2. E

    Peter Simon

    yeah but where else can you get such great entertainment coupled with astounding bargains?
  3. E

    Peter Simon

    and the Moon is the closest PLANET to the Earth
  4. E

    Peter Simon

    According to Peter Simon the chinese have been around since the beginning of time
  5. E

    Peter Simon

    yes i heard his 'banana shaped' body... OMG you have got troubles if you've got a banana shaped body ha ha... no sign of our Lease to keep him under control
  6. E

    Peter Simon

    He's dragging all his sayings out.... my ladies of the large, my big busted ladies, around the decolitaire, bales and folds, elongates the body, flair and style, its a transitional piece, im a big fan of these, delicious, not only, individual, it just glides, our jennys a size 14..... and on and...
  7. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    When St. Peter Simon eventually meets the real St Peter at the Pearly Gates he's got a lot of explaing to do if he thinks he's gettin in.... wot a conversation that would be
  8. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    did anyone else notice while he was selling those awful old coin face watches he said 'this was the REALMAGE OF THE COIN' and not THE COINAGE OF THE REALM.... jeez also the old penny coin was 'NOT ONLY ROMAN......' bloody hell!!!!! what do you mean???? not only roman... whats that?
  9. E

    Lee from Ventor?

    i had to laugh when peter simon said it had a hidden compartment, i wonder if anyone on here can see where it is on the picture? ha ha
  10. E

    Lee from Ventor?

    lovely innit
  11. E

    Lee from Ventor?

    well everyone good news i have for all.... Lee from Ventnor is back with a bang, he's only gone and brought a really delicious hand created high end ceramic Tiger with 'HIDDEN COMPARTMENT' for keeping all your expensive gold plated bid products... welcome back Lee
  12. E

    Peter Simon

    'this area of a ladies body', as his hands caress the mannequin it seems very pervy... 'the purer of the silvers' ????? 'papal purple' 'delicious' 'WHY' knob ha ha
  13. E

    Peter Simon

    no big entrance no music no dialogue again..... but he's got into gear pretty quickly, lots of 'bales and folds' (whatever that bloody means) 'it elongates the body'.... 'my voloptuous ladies of the 24' etc etc
  14. E

    Should Sit-up have celebrity presenters on their channels?

    ha ha nice one wirral
  15. E

    Best sentence ever spoken by dirty Peter.....

    the most outrageous thing i ever heard him say was while selling a crappy stephen gayford print a few years ago.... 'THIS IS THE LAST THING I WANT TO SEE BEFORE I DIE' yes he actually said that, i could'nt believe it then and i still dont really now, but as far as he is concerned its anything...
  16. E

    Peter Simon

    god he's been at it again...... selling the stephen gayford swallows nest print.... 'PUT IT SOMEWHERE WHERE YOU CAN SEE IT' knob
  17. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    i noticed on there website they are selling bee sting serum.... and it says no bees were harmed in the making of this serum!
  18. E

    Sally Jaxx

    when i saw our sally's orrible haircut it reminded me of the Alien thingy from the film....
  19. E

    Peter Simon

    another great start from peter simon tonight talking about the elvis tat 'and if you are an ENVIS FELON' think that was ment to be.. elvis fan.... wot a knob