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  1. E

    duvet covers .....appalling quality warning!

    you must be as amazed as i am, sitting there in wonderment as the 'people at ome' are ringing up and actually thinking to themselves 'o look at lovely battery operated vegetable peeler, i must have one of those and the postage is very reasonable' i just dont get it...
  2. E

    duvet covers .....appalling quality warning!

    try not to get sucked in and persuaded by the likes of st.peter or james russell with their special brands of bull, their crappy old watches, their sub standard bedding, their expensive weed killer, their orrible bloody prints that are 'worth thousands of pounds', their magic cloths which create...
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    No P&P

    magic cloths my arse as jim royal would say.... i had to laugh when he was selling them saturday night, he said that when you use them they create their own 'magnetic field' to attract all the dirt and grime! wot a load of old cobblers.
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    What Peter Simon says and the truth.

    'we've got the most extraordinary socks coming up in a minute'...... ok peter ha ha
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    Steve McDonald

    JEEZ!!! she looks like one of those blow up dolls
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    FFS Peter Simon

    i love watching St Peter Simon... especially ''sincere' Peter Simon not only is he truthful not only does he says it how it is not only does he always get his words all muddled up not only is it an individual piece of deliciousness... has anyone else noticed how he puts his fingers together in...
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    The all new Michael "The Spiv" Mason thread.

    BLOODY TANZANITE!!!!!!! wots wrong with me? i just watched that video!!!! :headbang:
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    Presenters found moonlighting in Star Wars movie shocker!

    Long ago in a galaxy far far away there lived an evil group of Jedi shopping presenters using the force to take over the minds of the extremely gullible, parting the innocent from their hard-earned cash with tat and all kinds of crap from the far corners of the galaxy...... STARRING:- PETER...
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    This Forum...

    i keep asking myself why i still watch it, but i find it good viewing in a strange way, all the blatent dishonesty and how people still fall for it, i think its amazing how people like james russell can keep a strait face while presenting, some of their quotes are quite un-believeable, my...
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    Peter Sherlock has lost his locks!!!

    yes whats happened to him since he stopped presenting? he used to look very smart, so if you are reading this peter please get a shave
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    James Gardener leaving!

    :grin: i'm glad he is going, i could never listen for more than a few minutes before being bored to sleep by his voice... Mr. Mc. Monotone... :grin:
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    you're gettin it for less than we paid for it

    we were watching Far earlier this morning and if he said 'youre getting this for less than we paid for it' once he probably said it at least 4 times and i only had it on for an hour.... but its not just him is it, its also the likes of St.Peter simon, james russell, mike mason, the spiv, that...
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    James Gardener

    i think he is the most boring presenter on all of the sit-up channels, his monotone drivel is awful, a 'triple A pillock'
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    i dont know if anyone else was taking any notice of what james russell was saying amongst all the tanzanite bull he sprouts but he said something like 'and the latest news from the mine is that they've run out at the level they are now and they have actually got to mine DOWN further to find some...
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    Nominate the worst crap sold on sit-up.

    ha ha that first picture looks like a snail!
  16. E

    Boast about your bargain.

    its quite interesting to compare prices on the web while watching bid, you soon see how much you can save yourself by shopping around, some of the mark-ups are quite astronominical, but thats only for the well known make names... but if you try finding things like the 'world famous' fe of...
  17. E

    What do YOU like about these channels?

    hi pony club.... what i can say is going back a few years ago bid tv imo was very entertaining, especially the 'old' st.peter simon, he was very funny whilst selling his stuff, a lot of which was reasonable quality believe it or not, but unfortuanately he has tured into an un-funny tat selling...
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    Below cost price

    we were watching far this morning and after he sold something he said that 100 people had missed out on the deal.... does that mean the company still pocketed 100 x £1.53? thats a nice little sum for nothing isnt it!
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    peter simon (what did he just say?)

    now, i wonder how many of you were watching st.peters opening spiel tonight, did he not just say 'ladies and gentlemen, from the man who has just returned from the happy BOLLOCK the girls are out the're celebrating'...... wots wrong with him? has he got tourettes or some kind of brain eating...
  20. E

    Russell nearly mucks up ..

    that bloke is so full of himself and even fuller with ********... hopefully one day a person from trading standards will be watching and listening to all the crap he sprouts... its not right:angry: