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  1. W

    Chuntley extensions?

    She had put a photo and comment on Twitter saying she's had extensions but felt they were too long and was going to have some of the length cut off. I think it's quite sad the way Catherine behaves, constantly changing how she looks. I think she must be quite unhappy deep down to be doing it as...
  2. W

    Join Clothes - you cannot be serious!

    Yes i saw her too and thought she looked ridiculous. I the dress was far too small and tight for her. You could see her bra and her upper arms looked like they were a couple of fat sausages. It looked dreadful.
  3. W

    Changes to scheduling yet again!!!!

    Absolutely useless! I give up with the lot of them. I switched over to "Escape to the Country", that was nice and relaxing. I am watching less and less QVC nowadays and cock ups like this encourage you to switch over.
  4. W

    Changes to scheduling yet again!!!!

    I have dashed back from work to watch an hour of Yankee Candles. Lovely i thought, I'll put my feet up with a brew and have a nice relaxing hour watching it! I get in and see it's Dale on presenting an hour of "In the Kitchen" with Simon Brown. How flipping disappointing! I am really getting...
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    Ultrasun TSV 3/5/17

    Another Ultrasun TSV means another day of avoiding QVC. I cannot stand that Abbie with her"I want you to......." Who does she think she is??
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    Aerobed TSV 02/04/17

    What an annoying guest that Aerobed woman is. Can't stand the voice.
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    Liz Earle Diet Guru

    I saw this and just laughed. She seems to be the guru of anything that will make her even more money. I am not interested.
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    Elemis tsv 01/04/2017

    The body lotion reminded me of the perfume "Cool Water" by Davidoff. It's nice and fresh but very subtle. I am still sitting on my hands at the moment trying not to buy. I am not that keen on bath/shower milks to be honest or foaming face cleansers.
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    Elemis tsv 01/04/2017

    I got a sample through today and the body cream is lovely. It's a very subtle and light fresh scent.
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    Antthony Fashion Designs TSV 29/03/17

    You can get practically identical trousers on my local market for less than a tenner a pair!
  11. W

    Aha! Jackie's hair growth = extensions

    Her hair is shocking, there is not one thing i can say that is positive about it. The colour is ghastly and the length just looks wrong. It was so nice when it was short and in that white blonde colour. Now it just looks dirty.
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    I liked Tanya.I did think at first maybe they are getting rid of the older models but then realised that isnt the case because we are never without hamster cheeks Tiffany! Wish they would get rid of her and her vacant stare!
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    Antthony Fashions

    I wonder what he will be wearing this visit?
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    Yankee Candles half price in Clintons stores

    Hmm! Thank you for this AndiK. I am not sure what to do because like you say the Root ones are not cheap. I might try the melts and see what they are like. I will let you know if i decide to definitely try them.
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    Elemis tsv 01/04/2017

    It said on Facebook it will be £60.00 and available to order from 29th March.
  16. W

    Yankee Candles half price in Clintons stores

    I was very tempted when i popped in on Thursday but decided not to buy any but use my stock up. I have been very disappointed lately with Yankee products, they hardly smell not anything anymore. My local Beale's store is selling Root candles which are soy based. When i next get paid i am going...
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    Tignanello Handbags TSV 23/03/17

    This has to be one of the ugliest bags I have ever seen. In my opinion, and it is just my opinion nothing is right about it. The different colours don't work, they are far too bulky and they look cheap! It's a huge no from me!
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    Cuddi Duds TSV 20/03/17

    Look up the Komar group! It's based in New Jersey and both Carol Hochman + Cuddl Duds are part of their portfolio along with many other well known brands. It looks like Carol Hochman is a new acquisition for them!
  19. W

    Is Diane Gilman going as well??

    Are they not stocking Birkenstocks anymore?
  20. W

    Cuddi Duds TSV 20/03/17

    My first thought was that would be great to put on as a cover up over a bikini. I hate the short kaftan type things as i have awful tree trunk legs. This looks an ok length. I wonder what the price will be?