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  1. P

    Fab parcel!!

    Well done Flossie, your goodies look lovely. Not had much luck myself with the clearance items, sending the second batch back tomorrow. They looked so much nicer (and larger) in the pictures. Never mind I'll keep looking... enjoy
  2. P

    Blink and you lose it....

    Been looking to buy a Shimoyo Rubelitte piece for a while now. Wanted it to be in white gold, and within budget. Just put a lovely 18ct white gold Shimoyo ring in my basket for £299, great. Straight to check out so I don't loose it...... seems you have to be a speed typer to have a chance of...
  3. P

    Blue Fire Opal - Help!!!

    Hi Pimms, R & C sold a white gold blue fire opal ring just one auction before the pendant, they were a match. It, like your pendant, was beautiful, I had trouble controlling my finger and would have loved to purchase it. If my memory serves me well it went for £229. Whether it's truly rare or...
  4. P

    Looks like the silver is back !!

    Just looked on the web page and guess what....loads of silver.... Well done Rocks and Co..thanks for listening..
  5. P

    This Channel Is Dross

    No Miss Magpie, you are not the only person who likes this channel. I love it to. I've bought loads, and am still buying. As for the presenters, I think on the whole they do a good job. I'm sure we all have our favourites, but that just goes to show how different we all are. Variety is the...
  6. P

    Black Diamond Rings

    Hi tiger, I was lucky enough to receive a black diamond ring from my Husband for Christmas. He purchased it from Rocks and Co., It's a trilogy in 9ct white gold, and it's really beautiful. It goes with so many things and looks particularly good with black and white outfits. Very classy...
  7. P

    Ring re-sizing Service - Any good?

    Ring Re-sizing Lovely ring tiger. I have bought 13 rings from Rocks and Co so far - must buy another one, just for good luck you understand ! I wasn't sure of the size I wanted either, the ring sizer they provide is ok but like you I wasn't sure which finger I wanted it on and I found the...
  8. P

    What's your favourite gemstone?

    Fav Gems I'm with you Mesh..I lover interesting gems like Alexandrite. R & C have a nice Alexandrite pendant on their web site, I'm waiting to see if they air it and what the price will be.
  9. P

    Maker Mends - thoughts?

    Hi Tony, I just wondered how long it took for your ring to come back. I have bought quite a few rings from R & C, lovely items, but all to big. I decided to send off the cheapest just to check that they are getting the resizing right. Sent it 2 weeks ago still not got it back yet. I completely...
  10. P

    Not Overly Impressed With This Situation!!!

    Constructive Criticism Exactly the same thing happened to me last week. We are told to secure the item put in in your basket, in my case it took about 10 minutes for them to take the ring out and tell me that I should have checked out sooner, but if I had and then continued buying I would have...