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  1. L

    Tanzanite AAAA Ring Has Lost Its Vibrancy

    I had no idea that tanzanite stones were soft or that they could lose their shine. I have admired them often on QVC but had not got round to actually buying one. For the price that you have to pay for a good quality stone, I would be livid if it became dull through what I would class as 'normal'...
  2. L

    What is the weight that - - - -

    I was under the impression that QVC would pay the postage for any returns over 4kg, but I cannot find any details confirming that, so maybe it has changed. I have found that on occasion it is worth using Hermes via the QVC link to return things as you pay a fixed price for items upto 15kg and it...
  3. L

    Tili 10 Piece Deluxe Beauty Edit Collection

    Hmmm, the price in the description is listed as £42, yet the price on the item is £50 plus £1.95 P&P
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    Easiyo Yoghurt TSV 07/05/20

    Thank you. On the video I watched yesterday they used powdered milk, but that is because they only paid $1 (Australian) for a kilo. May give this a try once I have used up my current supplies of shop bought and Easiyo. We don't go through as much as you, but it should work out cheaper than...
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    Easiyo Yoghurt TSV 07/05/20

    Out of curiosity, what do you add to the 2 tsps. of yoghurt? Water and powdered milk? And do you still get a thick yoghurt? I haven't tried this myself, yet, but you seem to have a tried and tested recipe.
  6. L

    Craft Telly peeps

    Thank you Graham
  7. L

    Craft Telly peeps

    Anyone else had problems getting onto the crafttelly forum? I am getting a '404 not found' error
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    Craft Telly peeps

    Tried to get on a short while back and all new messages (6 I think) had gobbledygook on them. There is a message on now to say they are working on the issues
  9. L

    QVC has problems delivering Diet Chef 'Holiday Ready' hampers

    I am pretty sure that the diet chef orders are sent directly from diet chef themselves who used to use UPS, but for quite a while now have used UKMail. However this may depend on where you live and which couriers have depots near you.
  10. L

    Why is he not married?

    I'm pretty sure that it is not his choice but his partner's - seem to remember a conversation he had on air with a jewellery guest. Whilst some presenters are happy to share their private lives with the viewers, it must be difficult if you are asked a personal question on air by a guest on a...
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    Got to Have it Day! 26/05/14

    Does it include the 500gb in the keyboard dock as its seems not all of them do?
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    Elizabeth Grant's daughter in-law guest Marion

    Is the range any good? I don't want to be taken in by the sales talk but would be willing to try this if it genuinely works.
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    Breast Cancer Care Event 16/10/13

    Another Laura Geller item for BCC: 228528 Laura Geller Glow Box QVC Price: £35.00 Breast Cancer Care Price : £31.10
  14. L

    TSV Acer netbook

    It's cheaper at PC World provided you buy it on line. Don't know how long this deal lasts. I know you don't get some of the software, but the MS office is a trial version only and I think you can download this...
  15. L

    Zumba TSV?

    If anyone has ordered on advanced orders, it may be worth checking your local Argos. They appear to have some in stock now in some stores.
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    Dell tsv 8th Jan

    More reviews on the Dell website (you have to click on customer reviews tab)
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    Dell tsv 8th Jan

    Just read a review on this in a magazine. You can find it online here. I like the idea of converting this to a touchscreen pad, but may wait to see if they come up with an improved version.
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    Breast cancer care night

    I have been trying to place an order for the kipling bag for nearly 30 minutes eventually got through to the last bit and noticed P&P £44.95! Managed to get it sorted out by ringing CS. Apparently they're not too busy as everyone is trying the website.
  19. L

    No postage paid!!!!

    I don't think that the lack of postage would have been deliberate. QVC probably send out 100s of letters out a day and so I suspect that it is an automated system - it is possible that two letters/envelopes got pulled into the franking machine together so only one of them was stamped and your...
  20. L

    QVC online

    For some reason this happens when you have been on the QVC site for a little while particularly if it has been left on without much activity. Usually you can get around this by closing down the internet browser and re-opening again. If that does not work then you may have to shut down and...