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    Anne Dawson - Sky Channel 581

    She just goes where the money is - just a job.
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    Fuji/ presenters

    Lee talks out of his ar*e most of the time - Please QVC get some decent technology guests that actually know what they are talking about, instead of constantly bragging etc. For God's sake the guy can't even afford to buy a matching pair of trousers for his suit! :grin:
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    Gardening prat of the month

    Didn't he write a column for the Sun newspaper until they replaced him with a proper gardener? I wish they would get a more knowledgeable gardener.
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    Lenovo TSV 13/4/13

    Sounds like they are shifting old stock/older model. Not impressed with deal or the design.
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    Bose TSV 06/04/13

    I noticed they splashed out on a new set of Candles :mysmilie_851:
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    Akos laundry sheets

    I'm of the opinion if they were that great an invention, QVC would not be flogging them.
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    Help-My Home has been moved out of the UK by QVC!!!!

    It just sound like the courier doesn't deliver to the I.O.W and they do not offer the use of another courier.
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    Andy Loves hair

    I used to like them both but have found they have become very pretentious!
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    Alison Young goes to USA

    I was hoping the title would say "Alison Young goes to USA forever!" :giggle:
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    Wiggy Lee or Sniffy Lee?

    I wish 'Wiggy' Lee would stop the sniffing all the way through his product demonstrations - i was always brought up not to sniff but blow my nose! I don't think he has a cold, as he is always doing it and last night's demo was just so annoying with him sniffing his way through the show...
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    Acer Laptop TSV 16/03/13

    Sorry but the finger prints on the screen would drive me nuts! Looks a nice laptop though for the money.
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    Lee Clark seen on IW ex QVC guest presenter

    Did anyone else see Lee Clark presenting on Ideal World with Janice - Friday evening on the Tablet show. Lee Clark used to guest present on QVC and his wife Pollyanna Woodward got divorced over allegations of Flirtatious texts from Peter Andre...
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    Wheres Anna?

    I think Sky are re-aligning her face! :cheeky:
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    Ruckley estate

    I Googled the address and added the post code to google maps - the images showed a large house as seen in the pictures and at the rear a large factory unit with lorry trailers etc. Not the estate i pictured - more like old house with trading estate to rear! lol
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    Morphy Richards Stand Mixer TSV 22/02/13

    Doesn't mix correctly - you'd be better off with a £10 hand mixer out of Argos! QVC are selling some rubbish at the moment, amazed it hasn't got the cooks essential branding on it.
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    HP Convertible Laptop TSV 17/02/13

    Not impressed with the TSV either. The hinge/dock is so ugly looking and Charlie said it was a work of art. 64gb ssd not very large either.
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    Another one off sick

    That is why i have a flu jab at my local sainsbury's - £7.99 well spent :-) Get well soon.
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    Ronni Nicole TSV 16/02/2013

    Thought it was April 1st - who would wear these hideous creations? QVC fashion has lost the plot.
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    Simon Smithies new tv advert!
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    Simon Smithies new tv advert!

    Not seen Simon Smithies guest presenting on any technology shows with QVC for a while - Hurray! Just seen the poor guy on a TV advert for erectile dysfunction! :blush: