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  1. R

    Largest Auction Ever!

    Hee hee! Not sure whether to laugh or cry! I switched on at 11.30 and it was still going at noon when Freeview went off. By then, Vicky B was wearing a 'crown' of party popper streamers! No, I wasn't tempted, not even at 'less than £5 a string'. I don't wear pearls. I can't even think of six...
  2. R


    Is that the Cheryl Coles? Grammar checking software is far from perfect. I've just entered that sentence in a Word document and it didn't pick up the mistake! It mixes up all sorts of things, like Its and It's, telling me things are wrong when I know they're right, and vice versa. No wonder...
  3. R

    Why, why, why?

    Ha ha ha! Me too, as it would at least remove temptation - especially as I'm only tempted by the really expensive stuff! I'm really starting to wish the emerald mines would run out too! Emeralds, emeralds, diamonds, diamonds, emeralds... Oh and those awful dyed pearls...
  4. R

    Who is J Francis?

    Some of the J Francis jewellery is up on the website now. It looks really pretty (especially if you like aquatic creatures!). I love to see red and blue stones set together. Interesting!
  5. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Wow, I've had a personal email and a phone call from Miles today! And you are right, he was very, very nice and helpful indeed. He said he saw what I meant about the lighter flares in the stone, and he'd shown it to someone (buyer, assessor... can't remember how he described them) who said that...
  6. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Well, it's on its way, sob. :heartbroke: No, actually I'm fine about it. I was a bit sad taking a last look when I put it in the box but I'm not having any emotions about it now, just looking foward to getting the money back! Shame it wasn't a) less expensive and b) perfect, but never mind, it...
  7. R

    Chloe's Been To Tanzania

    "I know we asked for a blow-up doll full of hot air, but thees is rideeculous!"
  8. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Hi again, and thanks Meeshoo for your detailed answer - you're a hero (and a well-informed hero, too!). Alas, we live in the Midlands and no chance of getting back up to Chester before the 30 days is up - but thank you so much for the offer. It would be great to meet up one day and talk gems...
  9. R

    Chloe's Been To Tanzania

    I like Chloe, but she does go a bit OTT, at times... must admit, I'm looking forward to seeing what happened to her down the mines!
  10. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Meeshoo, you're a star as always! Will reply properly later (or by Monday at latest!) xxx
  11. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    You can see it in comparison to my 'ungraded' 4ct ring, and with the lighter violet patches showing through at certain angles.
  12. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Right, here are some more images. Please excuse the horrible fingers - I think this one best shows the 'pale' streaks that are coming through in certain lights. Typical, ain't it - you try to photograph something beautiful and it looks cr*p. Try to photograph a perceived flaw, though, and all...
  13. R

    Ammolite - yum or yuk?

    Any advance on three YUKS and one YUM?!?
  14. R

    Ammolite - yum or yuk?

    What do you all think of the new Ammolite items? I have seen this stuff in Canada (I think that's where it comes from) and thought it looked like the bastard love child of boulder opal and mother-of pearl. I've also seen it on QVC (I think) and could not believe the prices they were asking for...
  15. R

    Another haul :)

    Very nice! I love labradorite, love moonstone and garnet, love multi-gem items. Have they done away with that sneaky 'reserve price' on the rising auctions, then? (Haven't tried bidding myself, but someone was complaining there was a hidden reserve price on some items).
  16. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Whoah, Boodles, I dread to think!!! Hubby and I were in Chester the other week and they have lots of high-end jewellers and lots of tanzanite - but waah, the prices! Two, three times or more higher than tjc, the sky was the limit. I've looked at A LOT of tanzanite, even tried some on if the...
  17. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Thank you both, thank you Meeshoo! Hope you're having a lovely time on holiday! I had thought of phoning Shopper about it - I've still got 29 days to make up my mind! How does one get to speak to Miles? I like this style of pendant so much - but I had hoped for one that was rich royal blue...
  18. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    I'll try again with photos tomorrow. Where's Meeshoo when you need 'er? :wave:
  19. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Here's my first go... you can see some of the paler violet on the right, but not so much on the left.
  20. R

    Rhapsody dilemma - I need your advice!

    Hi all, I haven't posted for ages because a) been under the weather with a stupid (ie annoying but non life-threatening) health problem and then b) I lost my password! Duh. But I still follow the posts and it's good to be back! Anyway, I would really appreciate your advice... I've been lusting...