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  1. Just Beauty Direct

    Elemis - 03/03/13

    Hmmm, with my cynical hat on I wonder whether the price will be adjusted accordingly. But I guess we'll never know. Ooh that sounds like a song!
  2. Just Beauty Direct

    Here we go folks...

    I think Jill is the same age as me. She always makes me just a little bit glad i am on the plump side.
  3. Just Beauty Direct

    Here we go folks...

    I thought she was a perricone addict?
  4. Just Beauty Direct


    So sorry I meant to click on thanks and disliked you. I have thanked and like and it won't let m undies like. Think I will go to bed:mysmilie_476:
  5. Just Beauty Direct


    Thanks What I meant was ( more haste less speed) that when I put in my claim, it clearly showed my referral from TCB to the sit a short time before the purchase. I have put claims in and they are shown as waiting for merchant. Most show up really quickly, but these ....nada... And it comes in...
  6. Just Beauty Direct

    help with panda eyes please

    It's getting the perfect strip that I struggle with.....I end up with a wonky wobble.
  7. Just Beauty Direct


    I have three, quite substantial cash back claims with them. One is nearly 2 months old. All appear to have tracked ok. Anyone else having problems with merchants? Most show within 24 hours. I will be really cheesed off if I lose these. They are all totally appropriate and legit.
  8. Just Beauty Direct

    Today's TSV

    Thanks Dips and everyone. Cc is safe, at least until a trip to TKMaxx:clapping: And I am on wait list for the silicon set as I went for the green ..... Grrrrrrr Might see if I can swap for another colour, but the green was the perfect colour for my kitchen
  9. Just Beauty Direct

    Today's TSV

    Ahhhh that's where I have seen it before. Thanks Anne. Might have to have a nosy there!
  10. Just Beauty Direct

    Today's TSV

    Looks quite nice, don't know anything about the brand though. Anyone got any? Anyone gone for it?
  11. Just Beauty Direct

    English thyme

    I guess they do have better weather, but even so. How much is it FP?
  12. Just Beauty Direct

    English thyme

    I would love that. A certain irony here that the varieties originally come from the UK
  13. Just Beauty Direct

    Northern Nights TSV 05/02/13

    I agree. I love the Cozee. We have exactly the same Louise. In fact I will check you are not upstairs! :mysmilie_480:
  14. Just Beauty Direct

    L'Artisan item OTO and another at clearance price

  15. Just Beauty Direct

    Omg !

    That was the one I would have gone for too. Looked luverly
  16. Just Beauty Direct

    Omg !

    Was it not worth complaining Scout? I think if you had said you wanted to cancel and then buy at the reduced price they might have done it for you? Or maybe I am talking rubbish. It is a horrible feeling when it happens, I so agree.
  17. Just Beauty Direct

    Northern Nights TSV 05/02/13

    Well I have gone for thL'Artisan perfume set in clearance as posted by the lovely Akimbo, instead of the NN. I figure I can wear that in bed instead :mysmilie_500:
  18. Just Beauty Direct

    Northern Nights TSV 05/02/13

    I didn't buy the flannel TSV before Christmas that got such bad reviews. I have always loved NN. Interesting this says it is a premiere re the Egyptian flannel. Am tempted re the neutral colour I KNOW I don't need More bed linen though
  19. Just Beauty Direct

    Northern Nights TSV 05/02/13

    I think SCW has posted. Something like a pyjama stripe set if I recall correctly. Not sure where it is though.
  20. Just Beauty Direct

    Richard III

    It really is interesting news. I will be watching too