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  1. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    You forgot to mention it was the "Number 69" bus. I think the only person who thinks his opening monologues are funny are Dirty Pedro himself.
  2. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Ken Barlow was on with Lindsey first thing this morning. Give him his due, I've never seen anyone else be able to make sausages look burnt to a crisp whilst at the same time looking raw and uncooked. Not been online for a few days so it may have already been talked about. Watched a bit of...
  3. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Jezza Edwards was flogging Collagen too late last night when I flicked over before bed. What a surprise, something Pedro says isn't true...
  4. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    or Muriel! Peter, Paul and Muriel has a certain ring to it...
  5. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    You mean, he wouldn't know the truth if he walked head first into a patio door into it.
  6. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yiannis and Joanne were selling a vacuum the other day, Peter Vol-au-vent nowhere to be seen and they did perfectly well selling and demonstrating the product themselves. I fail to see what Peter V adds to anything and is just an unnecessary expenditure for IW. As we've often said/speculated...
  7. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Came on here to post the very same. Who in their right mind thought motormouth Joanne and Foghorn Mother Teresa was a good combination, let alone a combination that people want to see first thing in the morning when they wake up I don't know.
  8. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yeah, Pedro has got plenty of dubious sales tactics, but the worst is misleading the viewers by not giving the full price of items and only mentioning the flexi-price. So a £40 item that he'll be selling will be "It's yours for just £9.99" with no mention whatsoever of the other installments.
  9. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon and Peter Vol-au-vent the absolute worse at this by a country mile.
  10. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    From which rock has Paul Becque crawled out from under? Another old Bid/IW relic being dug up. I knew he'd be back at some point, the only surprise being it's taken so long for Ideal World to use him.
  11. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Are they still wearing those cheap t-shirts? Switched over last night and Vol-au-vent was on with Mike of the Market Stall. If ever a man doesn't suit wearing a t-shirt it's vol-au-vent. Saw some new lady on with Jezza Edwards. Couldn't really get much of a read on her.
  12. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Natalia was on this morning as I was flicking through the channels; amazingly not selling Opatra! She was selling the vibroslim and wearing the most inappropriate outfit you could imagine to be demonstrating it. She gets a fair bit of stick on her, but give her her due, she was really going...
  13. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    I watched a bit of him selling his "all-time favorite" product, the vibraplate yesterday evening. Usual BS of him claiming to use it daily and how it helped him lose four-and-a-half stone, although he did add "in conjunction with a balanced diet" this time. Claimed we "won't be seeing it...
  14. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Three presenters on the early morning show this morning; Natalia, Joanne and then some expert. Joanne did the 22:00-02:00 show last night,so not sure why they needed her on again at 06:00 this morning, especially as Natalia must be able to do these beauty shows in her sleep. Poor Joanne looked...
  15. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Not been watching much recently. I'll occasionally catch a bit of Pedro but it's the same old, same old with him ("last in stock", "you'll never see these again", "these shouldn't be this low, someone has made a mistake", gurning to camera, changing his situation depending on what he's selling...
  16. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    "The last in stock" is up there with "someone has made a mistake, the price shouldn't be this low" as one of his go to phrases. How anyone could ever believe a word that comes out of Pedro's mouth I'll never know.
  17. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Pedro was claiming people were buying four of them at a time the night before! I wasn't online yesterday so couldn't post. but on Sunday he had his gym gear on to sell the vibraplate. Was claiming that he used to be twenty stone and was obese, that was until he was introduced to the...
  18. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    The old fool will never change will he? Been using this "sales" tactic for the past twenty years. It would be one thing if he only claimed this every few weeks or something, but it feels like it happens on every shift. Also, does he not realize how inept and useless it makes the backstage...
  19. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Switch over to Ideal World, immediately greeted by Pedro's exposed hairy belly! What on earth is going on with him doing the late shift?
  20. G


    Yeah, I think she'd been there quite a number of years by this point so had a bit of seniority and had also worked with him plenty, so wasn't afraid to stand up or say things to him. Heaven knows though if he'd tried that with a newer assistant who didn't know better and they thought they would...