Just found this out... And had to share. Jill Franks keeps English Bulldogs, now forgive me if I'm wrong but there is a link there somewhere but I can't for the clip of me think what it is:mysmilie_12:
I have just asked the Q via Twitter why JF wears a bulldog clip to change the shape of fashion items. Do you think I will get a reply from any of the X people? :mysmilie_17:
I never used to buy Thornton's from Q, always direct as the deals were so good and had free P&p. They are also on the cash back sites so that's the bonus.
I wish they would read this forum and they may just find a few home truths rather than the bland sanitised version over on the QVC arsebook page where of course, everyone love everything and if they don't then Q delete the post....
The nearest thing the Welsh in this jewellery is when if flyes over Cardiff on the way from China. Like many things Q sell, this is where it's made now..
It's £8 cheaper on Amazon and free p&p with guaranteed delivery tomorrow. Of course if I had said that on arsebook it would have been gone at the speed of light. So, not one to be beaten I have posted on my Twitter page and tagged qvcuk. They can't delete that.....
Just noticed a comment on the Q arsebook page from Rachel X saying that they have deleted a post due to it mentioning another retailer. They are just bloody paranoid. I just had to respond to that though....:mysmilie_17: