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    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    Does no one wear foundation in summer? I do...
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    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    Finally, a BPOTM that actually looks interesting. That's the first one since the, er, first one.
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    Ali Keenan's wedding

    Congratulations Ali.
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    Gatin no no.

    Another vote for the Superdrug B micellar; it performs well, has no fragrance/alcohol etc, is cheap and has the leaping bunny. The only thing I don't like is that it's a screw off lid and not a flip top.
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    My favourite guests

    Laura Geller, Judith Williams and Terry the Josie Maran guest. Lovely ladies with lovely voices, very soothing to listen to. I also like the lady who does the amber shows, largely because I love her accent. Tova is quite entertaining too, with her odd phrases and calming demeanour. Oh, and...
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    Lennie from Nina Leonard has sadly passed away

    Terribly sad. RIP Lenny.
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    Laura Geller TSV - Beauty Day 26/4/15

    I think I'll probably be going for this one, I didn't get the last couple.
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    The 5 or 6 pieces I have are holding up very well. Some of the general Veronese designs are a bit garish but a lot of the smaller ones are lovely, I could go for some more if not for the more recent brassiness.
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    Liz Earle haircare

    I no longer use shampoo/conditioner containing fragrance but I used to use and like the Liz products. They left my hair detangled-not an easy job on my very thick, very wavy, very tangly hair- and incredibly shiny. I have a pretty itchy scalp whatever I do or don't use but the shampoo didn't...
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    Sarah Jagger.

    I really find Sarah very annoying, Laura and Johnny are so much better.
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    Bloated AY

    Alison really does get a lot of comments about her weight... Is it actually anyone's business? She's not a diet guru so doesn't actually owe anyone anything re maintaining a certain weight. I don't know what the obsession with criticising her body is, she's not even big. Her body is her...
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    Excuses Excuses!!

    They really must have just about the easiest job on the planet judging by this sort of thing. Massive wages, loads of freebies, viewers fawning over them and no need to put any actual effort in; swan in having done no work, preparation or research, cock everything up as a result and seemingly...
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    Psoraisis & Liz Earle ?

    Very fragrant ranges like LE are the worst possible thing you can use on eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and the like. They shouldn't be used on any skin ideally but especially skin with conditions like those. Obviously anecdotally there'll be some folk out there who don't react hideously to fragrant...
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    Jill Franks Blooper

    I don't think it's mean to laugh, falling down is hilarious (so long as no one is hurt obviously.) My partner and I both fall over ridiculously often as we're very clumsy and it always gives us a good laugh.
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    Hermes/Courier nightmare!

    Oh my god, that's awful! It's all very well being in a rush as they don't get paid much per parcel, but if they're flinging delicate stuff about in the rush then they're not doing their job. Not to mention not leaving it anywhere visible... is it ok? If not I hope Q are going to replace it...
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    Beauty Bash January 2015

    Don't hold back, will you!
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    Laura Geller TSV 17/01/2015

    Me neither, the cheapest I've seen it for before was £14. I was very pleased as I think the £20-25 it's usually up for is too much. Cheaper than the solo Q price of course but still a lot for what it is.
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    Beauty Bash January 2015

    Thanks for sharing your experiences folks. Bloody nora though, I'm utterly disgusted at Q for their attitude to samples, unbelievable! Why have stalls packed with samples if they're not supposed to give them out? That's entirely the point of them and a lot of the point of the event. Surely it...
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    Laura Geller TSV 17/01/2015

    I decided against the TSV as I didn't like enough of the items. All I really needed/wanted was a balance n brighten. I've just picked one up from ebay for a tenner so I'm pleased with that.
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    Puff Off !

    If Tiff's lashes were falling out she should see a doctor as she'd probably have a thyroid problem. Fortunately I think her thyroid's just fine. :wink: