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  1. debsie

    Lucy Hunt - The Screaming banshee

    Bling hunter - I couldn't agree more about Lucy. I dread to think how much I've bought from GTV over the years (I know its over 100 rings, 40 pendants - not to mention bracelets and earrings) and I can't watch when Lucy is on. That said I'm not watching atm anyway - as Veronica says they are...
  2. debsie

    Caroline hyperventilating

    I quite like Caroline - always have - yes I know, she is a bit screechy sometimes, she does overact and bless her, the open mouthed gobsmacked look reminds me of a certain episode of 'Only Fools and Horses' - but she is still imvho, one of the better ones.
  3. debsie

    Pearl Teapot Pendant

    Neighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (sorry had to be done AGAIN!!) You'd get horse screaming at everyone to look at it - especially if you'd paid a pony for it. I'll get my coat!
  4. debsie

    When did you last buy from GemsTV?

    I fall into the 9-12 months category. Gems just lost its way for me and the flames went out. That said I do go and have a look now and again and have seen a couple of things I would have gone for had finances allowed!
  5. debsie

    Pearl Teapot Pendant

    Please tell me I'm seeing things! How strong is that Chablis?? I've only had one glass and I swear I'm seeing pearls that look like t-pots! I need to go for a lie down in a darkened room!
  6. debsie

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    Just think Frank Spencer - Ohhhhhhhhhh Betty!
  7. debsie

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

  8. debsie

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    So this new product can be used on Nunu's and Tinkie Winkes then! I'm saying nothing about Po though! Not a word!
  9. debsie

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    OMG I've only just read this lot - best laugh ever!! What if you go swimming and the colour runs?
  10. debsie

    Poll: Shampoo and Conditioner - the best?

    I will go with Ojon as I adore Tawaka and there isn't a tick for that but I'm not that keen on ordinary ojon. If I can't use Tawaka then its Aveda for me.
  11. debsie

    Matching your Bling!

    Hi Marion I've just taken delivery of that necklace too - its a cracker isn't it! To be honest I've not found a perfect match either but have worn some plain smokey quartz studs with mine and left and dress rings well alone - sticking just with my normal everyday rings. Mind you I am after a...
  12. debsie

    First item delivered

    Sorry can't post a piccie but got my first Rocks & Co delivery and I'm loving it! Its a purple sapphire ring and the colour is a lovely lavender and the stones sparkle for all their worth! It wasn't expensive, its not a huge piece, but it sure is pretty and I'll be back for more!
  13. debsie

    Today, I will be mostly wearing...............

    Today I am in my 2 diamond rings that I never take off, on my left hand then an Andradite garnet on my middle finger. On my right hand I have my diamond cluster from Rocks (3rd finger) and a Tourmaline ring (middle finger). I have my Christening bracelet on (I never take that off either!) my...
  14. debsie

    Thank Gawd For Mute!!

    Another vote for the Terrific Tony to give presenting a go - go on hun - you know you want to! Lovely to see Emma too and of course Barry is always fab.
  15. debsie

    Tefal Actifry Design Fault

    Thanks again hun - I was quite literally seconds from pressing the 'add to basket' button when I stopped to pick up your message! Its such a shame they are dangerous as the principal sounds great - lets hope Tefal sort themselves out and modify the units to be safe.
  16. debsie

    Enviro Wash Balls

    I bought some too - have to say I'm really pleased with the results so far - although I am still adding softner just in case!
  17. debsie

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    Going off topic slightly here is a link that shows a few interesting figures! I found it looking for the name of the overall CEO for those shat on with this £1 crash farce. I'm not sure how you feel...
  18. debsie

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    I woke up twice in the night thinking about all this fiasco - it just beggars belief. A company that used to pride itself on great CS and that we all used to think was the best thing since sliced bread is now behaving like a bunch of rip off merchants. Ths changes at the top of the tree...
  19. debsie

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    No orders from me either - Gems are you listening? How many regular customers are you prepared to lose over this? SORT IT OUT! YOUR CS USED TO BE THE BEST THERE WAS! NOW ITS ONE OF THE WORST! POOR CS = LOST CUSTOMERS LOST CUSTOMERS = LOST REVENUE LOST REVENUE = LOST JOBS/STAFF THE REST IS...
  20. debsie

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    What! Thats realy really bad hun - especialy if they are not saying they have changed the rules. I've not bought anything from GTV for an age now, as things seems to have slipped a lot since Steve left etc and treating regular customers like that is a sure fire way of losing them - something I...