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  1. mummy bear

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    i saw that
  2. mummy bear

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    i grabbed it before it went and nearly fell off my chair when it was a pound i thought that wont be a pound theyre not that daft lol
  3. mummy bear

    £1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend

    omg i got this for £1 im in shock
  4. mummy bear

    Scott has just said hello to us all....

    Scott said hello as we had spoken on the phone this afternoon and he knows i come on here so he said hi to all
  5. mummy bear

    Scott has just said hello to us all....

    pimms i hope this works it was the same piccie of her as is in this thread.
  6. mummy bear

    Scott has just said hello to us all....

    I knew he was going to as he rang me in his break to let me know he was gonna show Lilly's picture, We had a nice chat about a few things. He's a lovely guy and i hope he is around on my next visit to gems. So thanks Scott on behalf of Lilly and me and the gang here.
  7. mummy bear

    Whats been your best buy ever?

    aha it was you who nabbed it i was chasing that for ages i even started a thread asking if anyone had seen it. lol
  8. mummy bear

    Caroline Lyndsay has left GemsTV

    matt should join rocks tv lol
  9. mummy bear

    Caroline Lyndsay has left GemsTV

    Best of luck Carolinexx
  10. mummy bear

    Does anyone have a code

    i just checked out i cant wait to see irl..
  11. mummy bear

    Does anyone have a code

    it didnt work but thanks anyway
  12. mummy bear

    Does anyone have a code

    Ive just grabbed this and wonderd if anybody has a discount code as money is very tight atm and this is so pretty mtia
  13. mummy bear

    The Timer!

    i dont lke them either
  14. mummy bear

    VickiC has a baby girl

    awwwwwwwwwww huge congrats to Vicki and Pete i hope all went to plan and they are a very happy family xxxxxxxx
  15. mummy bear

    Where's Craig?

    great plan id fogotten about him lol
  16. mummy bear

    Where's Craig?

    oh lynn you have made me laugh
  17. mummy bear

    Whoa!!! Check out the website,girls and boys!

    just off for a lookie :D
  18. mummy bear

    Who are an item?

    :D wow thats lovely thanks hun lol
  19. mummy bear

    Who are an item?

    eeewwww i dont like the green can i change it to pink or yellow please lol
  20. mummy bear

    Product Recall

    no wonder your cross id be furious how have they got away with it this long???? No wonder people are losing faith in them.