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    Amy Shaw (Dawn Bibby's niece)

    Linda, please don't feel that I am making a personal attack on you. I merely thought I would point out that remarks about anyone's "pregnancy" can be so hurtful even when made with the best of intentions. How very sympathetic of you. I hope you're never unfortunate enough to suffer any kind of...
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    Amy Shaw (Dawn Bibby's niece)

    As someone whose life was made a misery for years by complete strangers enquiring about my "pregnancy" which was nothing of the sort but was actually an ovarian cyst which I'd had for years without knowing, I find this sort of speculation about anyone else extremely intrusive and really wish...
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    Things they (the presenters) say

    Ali Young - "literally" :17: Glen Campbell - "team this up with a little black top or a little pair of boots." Why is everything little? Jilly Halliday - "superb" Jill Franks and Sara G - just talking about themselves endlessly!:15: