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  1. R

    Received 'birthday surprise' voucher from QVC

    I got mine today also. I had one once before - a few months ago and I treated myself the "claudia ring" in yellow gold. I remember at the time the lady at CS saying anything I order at that time I could get on 3 easy pays so it's not just one item but one time. so the decision now is...the...
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    Lg tsv

    Received by LG TSV and love it!. Luckily, my foundation and concealer are fine - I went for the pale which is a tad light for me but once I put on the B&B its perfect. The lippy is a bit too orange for me, I prefer pinkier shades but everything else is superb. I am happy to buy all LG products...
  3. R

    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    thats interesting. so the reasoning for wearing leather and suede is cos the meat is eaten. So does it then matter what comes first, The Flesh to eat or the Skin to Wear? If you have a leather shopping bag, is it ok to carry the dead fresh which you will eat in a bag made of its own skin? I...
  4. R

    Smashbox made in China

    Snoopy, I understand your feelings however, I found very little of the negative media we hear about from China to be true. The government may be a crock of doodoo but the people are amongst the nicest I have worked with anywhere in the world( and I travel/work overseas a lot ). I guess you have...
  5. R

    Smashbox made in China

    yes you are right, thanks
  6. R

    Smashbox made in China

    I'm amazed that so many of you believe all the negative press that comes from China. Having lived and worked over there as recently as three years ago I can tell you 100% that there are disabled people - on the streets, in schools, even in the toilets! Please remember, boycotting products made...
  7. R

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    I used to love smashbox until I tried Laura Geller. I would not go back now, I think LG's products are fab. My ratings would be (for quality of product) YBF 4/10 Smashbox 7/10 and LG 9.5/10
  8. R

    Gossip TSV

    Apologies ladies. I had offered my unwanted white one but a friend spotted it and nabbed it . Sorry ladies.
  9. R

    Gossip TSV

    I guess I expected more which I shouldnt have considering the price. The watch isnt enamel, look like metal with a white coating and not sure how long it will last. Also, it just doesnt suit me. I think I've been spoilt by wearing Skagen all the time.
  10. R

    Gossip TSV

    The white one arrived today and I am really disappointed. I'm sending it back but if anyone wants it ( emma or someone else ) let me know.
  11. R

    Auditioning for Grease ?

    Whats up with Ms Huntley? I used to really like her look and the way she presented. What's happened to her? He presentations are rubbish, think she must read the " Must have book of Adjectives" with her easiyo in the morning and her clothes! OMG !!! is she trying to get a part playing Rizzo or a...
  12. R

    QVC Presenting - Perfect Partners...

    Sara G and a mirror pipa and ziggy stardust Dale and the Invisible Man Charlie and The Joker (same upper lip)
  13. R

    Who Goes?? You Decide..........................

    PLEASE PLEASE get rid of Minnie Me "I think I'll be claudia's clone" Sara G. not only does she have THE most annoyingly laborious droning voice she also looks like a pubescent school boy and the way she demonstrated jewellery as if her hand was made of solid gold.....arghhhhhhhhhhh ok Deep...
  14. R

    Friday 15th August TSV Freedom Bag Returns

    Freedom from What ?
  15. R

    Julia Roberts 9 Piece Favourites Collection

    Funny that cos I've heard Ms ( I love myself sooooomuch) Roberts say she only uses Aveda hair products:eek:
  16. R

    Hair fix

    I have very curly but fine shoulder length hair. Most hair products are to heavy for me but I found the Hairfix 3 step system and the Volume system to be brilliant. I love the Feed up product, it takes away any friz without the weight. Much much better than either Ojon or the MOP C Curl...
  17. R

    Butler and wilson anniversary prices

    Thanks for that SCW. Unfortunatley I have been so disappointed in the quality of B & W in the past year that I think I'll give this anniversary a miss and save some pennies on return P & P's:(
  18. R

    New Jewellery - Lunch At The Ritz 2 Go

    omg they are so camp, they make Simon ( B & W ) seem like sylvester stalone
  19. R

    the "CLAUDIA" ring

    :(oh my god, I didnt know there was a gold day coming up, now I'm depressed.
  20. R

    the "CLAUDIA" ring

    If you or anyone else decides to buy it I would suggest you go up a size. I found it a little tight because it is quite a wide band. I love it tho.