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  1. Mad Granny Sue

    credit crunch - what are you doing?

    Have a look for Decleor here as well, they may not carry such a large range of products but most of what they do stock is much cheaper than Lookfantastic: I have been using them for over a year now and never had any problems. The goods always arrive...
  2. Mad Granny Sue

    The Woman Selling Tignanello Bags

    I think you mean Abby Surgeon. She has been on QVC fair bit lately.
  3. Mad Granny Sue

    I really felt for Julia last night

    So sorry for your sad news pa. Mum is always there, from the day you are born and then one day she's gone. My Mum was 81 when she died and I expect, like I did, you will get people telling you that she was a good age etc. but it doesn't make the pain any less because she was elderly. She was...
  4. Mad Granny Sue

    I really felt for Julia last night

    There is a world of difference between someone phoning in and telling the presenters of their ailments or loss of a loved one and making personal, callous and rude comments to a presenter. In the case of the former, many of those who call are housebound, lonely, often elderly, souls who tend...
  5. Mad Granny Sue

    tanzanite ring

    Welcome to the forum lovetvxx. I lost a pink sapphire stone earlier this year on the second time of wearing a ring. I had no idea when I had purchased it so QVC sent me a list of everything I had ever bought from them and I was gutted to see that I had purchased it 11months previously. I had...
  6. Mad Granny Sue

    Dyson on QVC tomorrow 8pm

    My Dyson was chucked in the dustbin after six months of problems. I then went out and bought a Henry, far superior, didn't cost a fortune and lasted for 15 years!
  7. Mad Granny Sue

    John Scott

    I only watch when John is on, he is entertaining, doesn't go over the top with those awful false whoops of excitement and unlike the majority of the females, he speaks English not Estuary. The gem expert could do with livening up a bit too, he is just too serious and looks thoroughly...
  8. Mad Granny Sue

    Seriously worried about ideal world

    I can log in too. I changed my details when the new system came in to some I can actually remember, but I will never be daft enough to order from them again until there are some radical improvements!
  9. Mad Granny Sue

    Not again....

    It's not too bad at all Birdie and something I might have considered were I younger and thinner. There is something tho that would put me off, it's 100%acrylic and I loathe acrylic! For the price I would have expected a wool mix.:8:
  10. Mad Granny Sue

    Alison Young...Halloween?!

    She will soon look like this little chap if she continues to tell us that Smashbox is not available anywhere else in the UK.
  11. Mad Granny Sue

    Emu TSV?

    If this seriously old bag can wear them, you can too! Not sure I would drive in them tho.
  12. Mad Granny Sue

    Alison Young - package and postage...grrr

    Should that not have been "May I join in as well" or is it now acceptable to use the word can, instead of may? I was always taught that to say can means that you are asking if you are capable of, not asking permission. Please don't think I am being pedantic or trying to be clever, it's just...
  13. Mad Granny Sue

    Today's TSV - Love it or hate it??

    My OH bought me that for Christmas two years ago and told me I would never need another jewellery box. I do now cos it's full!:54:
  14. Mad Granny Sue

    Beware ideal world

    Visa will not be interested as the amount is under £100. Mike Hancox is the new ceo. I too gave up on IW a long time ago, I had thought things might be improving but maybe not.
  15. Mad Granny Sue

    How do I stop these people ringing me?

    Go straight to the top [email protected] I did this a while back and it worked for another member on here very recently!
  16. Mad Granny Sue

    Invite Email

    I got one too, but cannot use public transport unaccompanied, my mobility scooter only has a range of 25 miles and it wouldn't go down too well on the M6 anyway! Gutted its a weekday cos I would love to have gone:13:
  17. Mad Granny Sue

    Technique silicone TSV

    I've thrown out all my tins and only ever use silicone bakeware now. I never grease the muffin or cake moulds and have never had a problem, but I do always let them cool in situe.:1:
  18. Mad Granny Sue

    Profit Warning

    KPMG have been brought in as their auditors for the next year too, plus Ian Jebson, who qualified with KPMG, as their FD from March 09. The share price at close has rallied a little, to 36p. I still think IW can still turn this disaster round but they must offer a more varied choice of...
  19. Mad Granny Sue

    grip to me hangers

    See Here!
  20. Mad Granny Sue

    Emu TSV?

    The new import allowance is £105 but you still have to pay vat if the goods are worth £18 or more.