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  1. G

    Hi, Im a newbie too

    Hello catlady! Nice to meet you! :sun:
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    Kate Middleton

    :puke:Looks like we aren't the only ones sick of it either...
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    100 Things I Have learned from QVC..

    A few more lessons... * Contrary to popular belief, clothing from the 80's never went out of fashion. * It is more important for your skincare to be "prestigeous" than to actually work. * It is perfectly ethical to sell real fur coats, provided you either provide your customer with fake fur...
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    The Calendar - again

    Still, look at the bright side. These would make great gifts for friends (so long as you don't mind them not being friends afterwards).
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    Kate Middleton

    Blasphemy! :angry: Everyone knows that Cheryl Cole is the One True Goddess (tm) we should all emulate! How dare they mock Her like this?! They shall pay for their idolatry. Repent, QVC. Repent!!! *whew* That was fun...
  6. G

    Newbie here!

    Hey there! Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you with us!:mysmilie_357:
  7. G

    What on earth.........

    Ick! "Animal Magic"? Looks more like animal tragic to me. I can't imagine it suiting many people, if anyone. The colour choices made me laugh too. "Mist Green"? Really? Looks kinda bilious to me...
  8. G

    Brainwashed ?????

    Funny you should mention the whole brainwashing thing... Recently I've been reading some articles on teleshopping and I thought they might be of interest. The first one deals with some of the tricks they use on shopping channels to get you to buy. The second one is on how to resist these...
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    100 Things I Have learned from QVC..

    ... or cognac, or champagne, or mocha. Anything but the b-word. What have I learned? I've learned that... ... you can erase years of skin damage and general wear and tear by slathering expensive goo on your face. You don't even need botox... well, OK, maybe a little. ... if you are busty, a...
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    The Shopping Devil's Dictionary

    Thanks for the entries, merryone and theresa b. Thanks for the welcome QVC Princess. Everyone here has been really welcoming! dread (noun): that sinking feeling you get while awaiting your bill/bank statement. of an age (phrase): old. Note that this term only applies to females. Males are...
  11. G

    Thank you Miles

    Wow! What a stunner! If only all tv jewellers had customer service like this... Congrats on getting the ring you wanted.
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    Not to mention it could lead to bed sores in people who have to stay in bed for whatever reason. Ouch! Somebody should tell Debbie that moving in your sleep isn't nesessarily a bad thing. I think I've seen this sort of thing before. I wonder who came up with this bizarre thing? It sounds like...
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    Kings Realm

    I agree. To be honest, I don't really understand why people would want to order perishable foods like meat off the telly. Especially when you can get cheaper, fresher and better quality items from the butchers (if you still have one, that is). Near where I live, there's a small shopping street...
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    Really? I found them kinda hard to swallow my self. :pizza: :happy:
  15. G

    How many beads are in a carat?

    Tell me about it. I've been thinking about making jewelery as a hobby recently. I don't really know the first thing about it, but even I know that there's something wrong when just a single strand of beads costs several times what the final products would be worth.
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    The Shopping Devil's Dictionary

    Thanks merryone and Leighton Orient! This dictionary is really growing now, isn't it?:rock: must-have (phrase): totally unnessesary. heady (adjective): of perfume, overwhelming enough to knock out an elephant at sixty paces. diamond (noun): a rare rare rare greyish to pale yellow gemstone...
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    The Shopping Devil's Dictionary

    Bwahaha! These are great! :mysmilie_483: Keep 'em coming! review (noun): feedback given to sellers based upon the customers' experiences with their products/services. Reviews can be positive or negative, however the latter usually never see the light of day. Note that it is not nessesary for...
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    Scott Worsfold Patronising

    You got it! :wink:
  19. G

    lets play guess the price

    Yeah, I only caught a glimpse of it this morning. Was not impressed by the chains they were selling. Some of them didn't look strong enough to tether a flea. I know gold can be hammered and drawn out more than any other metal, but this is taking the mick. I don't really understand these "Under...
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    New Kaftans on IW

    Indeed. :puke: I'm hoping that whoever or whatever inspired that went to see a doctor afterwards. Those red streaks do not look healthy. Personally, when I first saw that one I thought "So that's what a frog in a blender looks like". I really hope that's not the effect they were going for...