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  1. Babs

    I see Lynn is back!

    I like both Rod and Lynne and was highly delighted when they were married. They really are a smashing couple.
  2. Babs

    New products!!!

    I can feel a disaster waiting to happen. Have they no common sense or is this just the pound signs in their eyes doing the talking. I just don't get it at all, ah well back to my cupboard. :1:
  3. Babs

    Platinum Dreams POD

    I like this range, that's a bit worrying for me as I might be tempted to order again from IW and I'm not sure my nerves can take that.!!! :11:
  4. Babs

    pavers pig'o'the day

    I think I'll stick to my FlyFlots, much more comfortable for me!!. :1:
  5. Babs

    Credit crunchers....dual purpose clothing

    WOW I just have to get those!! They'll suit me fine, I can just see myself in them. LOL
  6. Babs

    Fryatt stepping down

    I bet he gets a golden handshake to go as well. I just hope this will mean a reversal of furtunes for IW and they start getting better as they used to be. It's so sad to watch the presenters struggling to sell the same tat week in and week out. You can only sell so much of the same item can't...
  7. Babs

    Palson cookware

    I must be honest and say I have bought Palson products from else where and find them really good to use. Some of the items are a bit too big for my small kitchen so I don't bother with those. The Induction Hob is excellent and really comes into it's own.
  8. Babs

    Are IW Cancelling Christmas again this year?

    I wonder if IW have completely finished with Christmas as all I seem to find are Craft Days, Oh Joy! and other things that have a repeat every day almost now. It's a shame that they have gone this way but if they had better everything they would be doing OK.
  9. Babs

    Christmas Shopping

    May I say how I have enjoyed watching all the Christmas goodies on the Sit Up Channels. They have had some really lovely things. :53: