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  1. Satis

    L J Rich on BBC News24

    Urrgh... to the whole thing.
  2. Satis

    Super Poppies!

    Yes, I've gone for them. I've bought QVC plants before and they haven't flourished, but that's always been my fault, not theirs. These look glorious, and I'm going to put them in pots on the patio. I don't have cats (though I wish I did...) and the dogs keep next door's one out of the...
  3. Satis

    Philip Kingsley Flaky Itchy Scalp

    I've just used these products for the first time. The shampoo, the leave in conditioner, and yesterday the masque treatment or whatever it's called. I found them very effective. My scalp was very itchy and flaky and it has cleared up, and my hair feels thick and soft. My one caveat is...
  4. Satis

    L J Rich on BBC News24

    I find her rather irritating, and if she tells me one more time that she's got perfect pitch, I shall spontaneously combust...
  5. Satis

    YBF by Stacey TSV - 11/04/09

    Well, I succumbed as I always do. I worked out that I would use everything in the kit, except possibly the highlighter. I do agree about the packaging of MP, and it was a shame, as it always looked so attractive. I, too had the not very nice experience of plunging my hand into my make-up...
  6. Satis

    OMG QVC's cheapest QVC price i`ve seen in a long time

    Mine too...
  7. Satis

    OMG QVC's cheapest QVC price i`ve seen in a long time

    I ordered it too; no wonder it has sold out. Could be tat, but the Rifka Friedman stuff, whch I really like, is 18ct clad so it might be all right. What does SS mean, as in 18ct Gold Plated SS 45cm Chain? Is that Sterling Silver?
  8. Satis

    Ojon Tawaka Rejuvenating Cream?

    I bought a big jar of this. Liked it a lot, but forgot to use it for a while, and when I opened the jar it had gone mouldy. I actually scraped the mould off (well, it was expensive) but found that it came back. I suppose it's because it's natural, with no preservatives, but it was an awful...
  9. Satis

    Tri Colour Diamond Accent Star Ring

    Dazzler I have this ring -- I bought it about a year ago. It's very pretty and sparkly and good value for money. I think you'll love it.
  10. Satis

    All about pets hour today

    I hated the idea, but in icy winter conditions, Lulu was shivering with cold and reluctant to go out. And as she loves her walks, that was a worry. She has a very short coat, like plush, and comes from Sicily so I suppose a British winter was a bit much.
  11. Satis

    All about pets hour today

    I got Lulu ( a.k.a. Lucrezia Borgia) a coat to wear in the winter, as she is a Cirneco dell'Etna, a Mediterranean dog with thin skin and is very susceptible to the cold. I never thought I'd have a dog that needed to wear clothes! Cocker spaniels are much better covered. The first one was...
  12. Satis

    Today's Tanzanite TSV

    And what a weird model. She looks like one of those characters in Wallace and Gromit. Why have they done her hair like that?
  13. Satis

    Anyone tried the Chocolate Gold range?

    My cousin bought me the chocolate gold bracelet, Item Number 684406, for my birthday last year. As soon as she saw it she was dubious about it, and when I put it on I could see why -- it looked as if it was dirty. She took it away and bought me something else, but forgot to return it in time...
  14. Satis

    Opi tsv - 20/03/09

    Ordered this on Sunday and it arrived this morning. What a great kit! The colours are lovely (well, two of them are -- I'm not sure about the pale mauve.) Best of all, in my childish way, I love the little bag; it's a perfect shape and size for stashing the current manicure kit. I was...
  15. Satis

    News from twitter

    Thank you! What fun... Twitter seems curiously appropriate for QVC presenters...
  16. Satis

    News from twitter

    Who are you following, BB?
  17. Satis

    AY's new haircut 'to be revealed'

    I think that was SallyMac. Brilliant. I can never see Jilly without remembering it. As for Alison, it's a small change, it will soon grow, and she's still screechy and objectionable.
  18. Satis

    Dear God!

    Oh dear... I liked the elephants, and I was given the hand earring for Christmas. He did design them, after all...
  19. Satis

    TSV - GT Express

    Agree on both counts. I like the look of this and particularly the thing for baking small batches of individual cakes/pies etc. On the other hand, it would just be ANOTHER gadget cluttering up the kitchen...
  20. Satis

    Lord & Berry Lip Library

    Hi, I've got the Lip Library which I love. I was sure I'd sharpened them in an ordinary large sharpener, but to be absolutely sure, I've just been upstairs to try. It's fine. It makes a horrible noise as the blade cuts through the plasticky stuff, but now I've got one with a lovely clear...