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    £5 off voucher

    The code is/was still working just now - I tried it with the LG glow bow oto and it took £5 off - although I then cancelled the order as I really didn't need to add it to my hoard.
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    Laura Geller & Alpha H TSV's/Beauty Day 13/2/11

    Not even tempted (well maybe a little). I dug one of my B&B's out from stock this morning ( I think I have at least 2 in fair, 1 in regular and 1 fair/bronzer split pan) to convince me whether to add another to my collection. It failed the test, it made my skin look so dull and powdery...
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    Viewers Beauty Claims.....

    Apart from confessing a liking of their bonus gifts (sad I know) - I'm not a huge fan of their products. Agree totally that DDML is like water and the Clarifying lotion is akin to paint stripper - no pun intended sorry Love A'kin - incidentally I love A'kin. But I do also rate their City Block...
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    New QVC iPhone App

    Looks much more useful than the previous version.
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    Hi everyone

    Another big welcome - well more a quiet welcome as all the really clever stuff has already been done and mine is just a normal boring hello! This forum is brill - ST - Shoppingtelly? nah, think it's more like Stopthink - and if defo helps me do that:)
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    Liz Earle TSV Saturday 05 February 2011

    I'm also over my Liz addiction. Once upon a time the only question would have been how many, but although I'd love to try the shampoo and conditioner I won't go for it. I must have more unopened face masks and scrubs than can be good for one person. So that's not a hypothetical £40 'saved'...
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    Kitchen Aid

    Hmmm, confess to having an old Kenwood Chef plus attachments that has been lurking in the garage now for must be 20 years, and also an old magimix that was the mother-in-laws that I don't use 'cos it's not dishwasher proof. We have a Kenwood Multi-pro that gets a fair amount of use, but we tend...
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    Elemis Voucher From QVC!

    Got one too, but as I also got two of the last two TSV's, don't think I'll be using it either. Pity it's not off Laura Geller's upcoming TSV:(
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    Beware of Nasty Prai

    Yep, that's why there are a zillion different 'miracle' brands with a zillions of different followers. I've used Prai (a previous TSV) with no adverse reaction, but wouldn't buy again as it didn't 'do' anything special for my skin. Many moons ago I used to use Gatineau, but when they...
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    Where's Mally?

    Snap! Although I still may not get it as it's now on waitlist:(
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    Past Their Sell By Date: Beauty Brands

    Lulu and Tova were instant choices for one and two. Struggled with the third though but went for Prai but would say there were other contenders for the third place.
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    Spending with QVC!!

    QVC haven't had a penny off me this year either - think the last buy was the Elemis TSV before xmas. What does help me is looking in the outlet shop in Birchwood Warrington and seeing the absolute rubbish that is in there. And as for the smell from the rags oops sorry 'clothes' they sell...
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    Alison Young At It Again!

    I can't remember the last time I actually watched QVC - must be well over 10 years ago at least. I check the web site TV listings, and do all my buying on line - pretty much all I ever buy are beauty products because of the value they represent. What does frustrate me is when I play the video...
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    Umm I thought the presenters were wealthy?

    Having been mortgage free since October I am enjoying an extra £1,000 - yippeee we actually own lock stock and barrel our home. That's 1,000 reasons each month. The fact that my kids will inherit it is a bonus.
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    One For The Girls.....

    I love Smashbox brushes - the no 29 that comes with the full size Halo is brill. With make-up it really is one mans meat etc as not only do we all have different skin tones, we all like a different look. For me I know I have my look right when people comment on how good I look but don't...
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    How much?

    Snap - thought this was something to do with Laura Geller too and didn't want to miss out lol. Helluva price for a plastic brooch, but then her plastic bags are a helluva price too.
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    An observation...

    Three comments from me, well four actually. 1. I've been shopping with them since the mid nineties so feel pretty well qualified to comment. 2. I never watch it on tv these days - I do everything on the web. 3. The price of their beauty TSV's is second to none, and that's pretty much all I buy...
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    Hi Itchy an Vivalas - say that quick and it sounds painful:)
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    New CID Cosmetics TSV 1/1/11

    Snap, I do this too. I wonder if they realise how many customers they lose by their heavy approach?
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    New CID Cosmetics TSV 1/1/11

    New CID Cosmetics TSV - New Years Day Anyone used this range? Any ideas what the TSV may be?