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  1. Hillary


    Thanks for the tip mossie. The big country-wide garden centre in our city is still selling them, and all the little ones. Glad I steered clear this year
  2. Hillary

    Sally Jacks Fashion

    Me too Paul (1950's for me:sad:) My mum also put a string through my school gaberdine mac with my mittens on the end. Later I did it for my own family
  3. Hillary

    a genuine bargain

    I hadn't even noticed he'd gone! Yes you are all right, pretty dismal salesman
  4. Hillary

    a genuine bargain

    Oh well done Benny! I knew you'd know. If I remember right, she didn't last long on Sky Sport, even though she had studied sport in college. She finished up back on, either Ideal World or QVC . Don't know if she is still there though Right Hillary... back to the front garden borders 'toot...
  5. Hillary

    a genuine bargain

    I remember her Benny! Didn't she leave to go to one of the other shopping channels? Do you also remember Chloe? Forgot her other name, blonde girl... think the surname started with an E? She left to go the Sky Sport. I use to like her, she could have sold sand in a desert, she even made a man's...
  6. Hillary

    Jeez usss!!!!

    There was a free booklet on vegetable gardening advertised on TV (not shopping channels) a few weeks ago, so I rang the number and eventually got a young man on the phone. I gave my address and then he went into a spiel about their other offers. I stopped him, because I wasn't interested. He...
  7. Hillary


    I like her too Momma. She and Kiri are like a breath of fresh air.
  8. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    On the one hand, it can't be easy to talk incessantly for x number of hours about, for example, a rotating duster or elastic knickers; but on the other hand he does seem to be on a different planet. He comes out with absolute whoppers and no one corrects him. He gives the impression that he is...
  9. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    Its not what he sells its how he sells it. On a sticky wicket in the present 'name 'em & shame 'em culture. I doubt situps excuse that he shifts a lot a tat would do him or them a power of good in court.
  10. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    It's such a pity. There's no need for it. By the way... who is Gollum? I know who Bod and Lola are/were but this one has passed me by
  11. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    I know I don't watch as much of this channel as many of you, but I used to enjoy it very much.Now, I just can't watch Dirty Peter any more. He really is giving me the impression that there is something of the night about him. The way he paws and leers at young assistants just isn't on. They...
  12. Hillary

    deal of the day

    If he's the one I'm thinking of, he usually seems frightened to death and as if any minute now he's going to start gibbering and they'll have to take him off. I know his face from somewhere. I expect he's one of those who has been knocking around TV land for years
  13. Hillary

    Text Mike Mason on 07432535677

  14. Hillary

    An Alternative Career for Steve Mcdonald

    I used to enjoy watching him too Mr.M. He used to be a genuinely likable and funny young man.
  15. Hillary

    Fair Warning - Mike Mason

    If they advertised something on ITV using these scare tactics they would be dropped on heavily from the Advertising watchdogs. What's the difference? On another aspect of this, I cannot believe that Mason has a dentist, private or not. If he does then he should sue because no dentist would let...
  16. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    We bought planters for our new garden there Mr M. 99p as opposed to 1.99 in ASDA. Now don't laugh, but I bought a child's starter kit: red,green/yellow peppers. I'm such a novice that I thought a green pepper was an unripe red one. They have all come through and are now in individual pots on the...
  17. Hillary

    Poor, poor Peter Sherlock

    For goodness sake Peter. Stop wasting your money on snake oil and god knows what else. Try as we might, we can't turn back time and you don't need to. You are a good looking man with a nice personality. have I got this right..? Don't you speak fluent French..? So that's intelligence as well...
  18. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    In the above post I should have put weeks instead of years. Put it down to me age and the fact that I haven't had me pink pill:confused:s yet
  19. Hillary

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    B&M are selling those dreadful 'wall art' lizard things situps were knocking out a few years ago, for a mere fraction of the TV price. Up close they are even worse than on TV... enough to scare cats. Those awful water features... you know the ones, like an ornament but with a battery that pumps...
  20. Hillary

    Poor, poor Peter Sherlock

    I hope he sues whoever gave him the Botox. I saw him this lunchtime and he looks awful. When I was working, some of our unconscious stroke victims had more animation in their foreheads than he does, and it looks as if he has a creeping facial paralysis. His right eye looked dreadful and has he...