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  1. Hillary

    Poundland Products...

    After his mortification on radio 4, I'm surprised they put him on air until the dust settles. Just shows how arrogant and out of touch the management is. After the state of his face following his 'self improvement' procedure, I wouldn't buy anything he's flogging
  2. Hillary

    After Shave/Perfume

    Oooo a pee in St Trope? Can't wait sending himself to Superdrug and Savers not to mention Poundstretcher and B&M in the morning to see if they have 'peeing in St Trope' in stock
  3. Hillary

    Ways To Boost Sit Up's Audience

    He seems to be keeping his head down in all this. Time was, you couldn't come on this forum without seeing negative posts about him.
  4. Hillary

    Ways To Boost Sit Up's Audience

    Oooo those grapes must have been very sour indeed.
  5. Hillary

    After Shave/Perfume

    I can't believe anyone is daft enough to buy a perfume, 'described' by Peter Sherlock, without trying it, or a tester out first. You may be lucky, but its a bit like Russian roulette
  6. Hillary

    LMAO at Mike

    In a way, this whole mess could be laid at the feet of executives and management. It's the same in any job, with slack ineffectual leadership sloppy practices creep in and, if remain unchecked, just snowball. If Mason had been given a slapped wrist at the start of his nonsense, it might not have...
  7. Hillary

    No publicity is bad publicity

    I wouldn't mind betting that after being all over the papers and on the radio, people are tuning in to the situps to see what all the fuss is about. Now, if the production team play their cards right, send the dross on gardening leave and use their best presenters they could make a few bob out...
  8. Hillary

    LMAO at Mike

    Awww come on Mike, you'll be working on the bins soon enough... if you get to the job centre in time. 'Fess up that this is you. No one else can be as arrogant to think that we can't see through you.
  9. Hillary

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    Can I have your autograph please PJ you are now famous:mysmilie_486::mysmilie_486::mysmilie_505:?
  10. Hillary

    Peter Simon - Will he continue to present?

    Well, i suppose he could always set himself up as a (bogus) healer with those old angel things. Or, set himself up at the end of a pier somewhere crystal ball, gypsy scarf etc a la Gypsy Rose and tell fortunes? He's well used to making up rubbish on the spur of the moment. If they keep him on...
  11. Hillary

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    My husband calls him 'Bullsh*t Bertie on the rare occasions he can't get to the remote quickly enough. BTW do you think Moet (who Must be Mason... who else would chose the name of a champagne?) and M&M could have a word with him about his awful teeth... up close it must be like looking into the...
  12. Hillary

    has anyone on here contacted BBC 'Watchdog?'

    Since the roller-coaster decline over the last few months? I just wondered. if they had been tipped off to keep an eye on sit-ups? Good name under the circumstances isn't it? No doubt they are sitting up and taking notice now after treating complaints with such arrogance
  13. Hillary

    LMAO at Mike

    I didn't watch it last night, but this sounds promising
  14. Hillary

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    Moet If the presenters you defend as fine upstanding human beings, are such paragons of society, as of course are you; how do they sleep at night knowing that: They are scaring people, particularly the vulnerable, with their scare stories They have, until recently blithely glossed over the...
  15. Hillary

    Ways To Boost Sit Up's Audience

    I missed that. What did Dirty peter say?
  16. Hillary

    Ways To Boost Sit Up's Audience

    A live Q&A session with Tommy and Kate, and Dr Cringle... maybe 'Christian' (sic) Laars as well? And after that, a guided tour around the T&K and Dr C's factories.. meet the workers and see how happy they are?
  17. Hillary

    Should viewers be wary of ordering products from the Bid TV Shopping Network?

    Yes. They should always be wary and check on the net for where they can get it cheaper. Not just now, but always If they do pull the plug, what's the betting half of 'em (on the way to the job centre) will come on here berating us and if they do we should all feel very proud. Very proud indeed...
  18. Hillary

    Adam Heppinstall

    Isn't he one of the training crew? Responsible for preparing new salesmen/ women for being in front of the camera? If he is, then he should bear some responsibility for the disgraceful selling spiel. And yet we all like him don't we and think he is less spivy than the others. So, he is either...
  19. Hillary

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    I'm giving a HUGE thank you to all the posters on here who have made complaints week in week out to ASA and felt not much had been done about it. Especially to young Benny who was banned from making complaints for a while. Thank yu very much everyone
  20. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    ... Or, if you don't want the neighbours to think you are chewing the carpets, talking to a lump of plastic, ring the Samaritans.... phones open 24/7 and don't charge