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  1. C

    Note to QVC

    Saw a pair of lotus boots several days ago on QVC. Looked on the amazon "javari" shoe site, found same pair but not in my size.....shame...... but found another pair, not only loads cheaper but.... not just free P&P, but NEXT DAY free P&P. I have to say :mysmilie_85: I wouldn't be without QVC...
  2. C

    Nails Inc TSV - 24/11/10

    That's realy interesting cos i remember the woman(the original one) saying the caviar top coat only worked with their own polishes. I shall use it now with Leighton's. :mysmilie_504:
  3. C

    Leighton Denny auto del for November

    Thought u might like to know...... it might brighten what is an extremely grey day!! I checked my account today and it is now showing "in process" for leighton's auto-delivery. HURRAH!!:mysmilie_480:
  4. C

    Alison Young ring

    About 3 years ago I bought a solitaire diamonique ring. I decided to take off my excisting engagement ring(3 diamonds, nothing wrong with it, just fancied a change!) ...................... Oh..........big mistake, can't believe how much DH moaned. So i'm afraid my AY ring has to go on the...
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    Leighton Denny auto del for November

    Never might come early
  6. C

    Leighton Denny auto del for November

    Sent email yesterday to CS. Return email today, states it should have been shipped this week but there is a problem with stock. Hopefully this should be resolved in next 2 weeks.........:whew: do hope so 'cos wanna practise for christmas!!
  7. C

    Leighton Denny auto del for November

    Well curly, that's better than mine it must be on it's way soon. Mine still says "awaiting stock":sad:
  8. C

    Be warned! You will both love and hate this link.

    Well I thought it was F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S darling!!!:grin: We should all phone customer services to ask if Joan is ever bringing her fashion to us here........ what do u think?:wave:
  9. C

    Will presenters think before they speak & tell porkies....

    Liz, also noticed what JF said about TSV yesterday and thought it was rather strange...... also thought she was a bit hyper on this occasion and a bit rude talking over Suzy quite a bit!
  10. C

    Sterling (?) Christmas Extravaganza

    But most certainly not Lola Rose prices, eh, frou-frou!:happy:
  11. C

    Buckley Poppy Brooch

    Couldn' agree more bags..........mine also arrived today, it is realy,realy lovely. My son is an army cadet so shall be wearing it, whilst I watch him and others march proudly on Sunday. I do believe young people today are very aware of the sacrifices our young men are making for our country...
  12. C

    JF's Swimming Pool Remark

    WOW.........I didn't realise it was that huuuge!!!................ Yes it is lovely......but rather pricey to rent!!.... Now we know why the P&P has been so high at QVC!!!!......LOL!:grin:
  13. C

    Help if poss!

    Sorry I should have's the "Daily Essential Moisturiser SPF50+"
  14. C

    Help if poss!

    I have tried Alpha H products, purchasing in discovery sizes. Having been REALY pleased decided I would order the full size moisturiser only to read one of the reviews about it containing the chemical benzophenone-3. Have now checked this out and have realised I do not now wish to buy. Has...
  15. C

    Sharon the model's hand

    I have to b honest and say Sharon is the only model who looks good in anything she puts on...... regardless of the item ........ my mum and I say "if Sharon doesn't look good in it, it REALY must be awful!!!!:giggle:
  16. C

    How Boring!

    But even a lot of us crafter's found craft day boring!!!...... not necessarily QVC's fault just that we have seen it all before:yawn:..... need to find some inspiration from somewhere, haven't even started making my christmas cards yet....... some people make them in the summer!!:nod:
  17. C

    £10 Last Clicks

    Most days I come on this website..............sadly missed the last few days...............huge, huge mistake......never mind that will teach me.:heartbroke: Did get one pair of shoes though, that almost purchased at full price!!:clapping:
  18. C

    Lumpy bumpy Kim Parrish

    I'm sorry but I thought Kim's selection of clothing yesterday was absol. awful.... made the other Kim's look ok.........ish..well maybeeee? I apologise if anybody purchased anything:sad:
  19. C

    Tignanello TSV Wednesday 29 September

    :confused:I do like the idea of the "pale gold", but then Pippa said it looked the same as the "gunmetal". Correct me if I'm thinking wrongly here but wouldn't gunmetal be more on the "silver" side rather than gold. I need some help please as I need it gold rather than silver......what shall I...
  20. C

    Jill in a wig..

    .................she obviously left her broomstick in the dressing room!:grin: