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  1. F

    Q box jury:a hit & a miss

    Hit...Judith Williams the results, generous sizes and reasonable prices. It was a toss-up though with the Microplane for my feet which is also brilliant. Miss... Northern Nights flannel duvet set, hated the look and feel and it washed like a rag.
  2. F

    Pippa Last night ?

    I agree, the whole show was a farce IMO. I don't think Ultrasun would have got a mention but for the fact that it happened to be yesterday's TSV product. Felt quite sorry for Pipa being got at by AY and Abbie and it just seemed to me that she was generally endorsing products, not necessarily of...
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    Guess who?

    Is Kim married? I've sometimes seen her wearing what looks like a wedding band but other times not. Just wondered if she had a partner as I've never heard her mention one.
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    Lola rose premiers

    I was too slow myself this time and a lot of pieces I would have loved had already sold out. I did, however, buy a gorgeous berry quartz really chunky 'Skye' bracelet which is unfortunately too big for my skinny wrist so will probably end up trying to sell it on Ebay unless anyone on here is...
  5. F

    Lola rose premiers

    The sales/special offers change all the time on Brand Alley but if you sign up for their newsletter you will get advance warning of what's coming up on the site.
  6. F

    Whose voice don't you like?

    Has to be KIM MENDELSON..don't understans one word in ten that comes out of her mouth like a stream of conscienceness and AY a very close second.
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    Alexis's baby

  8. F

    The Shopping Devil's Dictionary

    Welcome Gizzy and well done on a great first post!
  9. F

    Pipa's Hair...

    Pipa always reminds me of Peter Pan with her elfin features (and ears lol!). Think short hair really suits her, a longer, fuller style might swamp her petite face.
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    Anyone going for the slow cooker?

    I bought the Cookworks one from Argos a few years ago and it's been great. Use it to poach whole chickens (meat is beautifully moist and tender), making stock, soups, casseroles etc. Never tried puddings in mine but believe they work well too. Have left mine on the low setting all day with no...
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    Beauty Bash 2012 - around the country?

    I heard that too Suey, how cool would Chester be as a venue lol?
  12. F

    Roll up! roll up! for the QVC circus (and sideshows)

    After yesterday's dire Beauty Day offerings I thought we might need a little light relief so for your delight and delectation may I invite you to the QVC circus and sideshows appearing in a Big top near you (kindly loaned from Mrs James' extensive kaftan wardrobe). Let me introduce you first to...
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    Oooh, a new presenter!

    Just switched on and couldn't place the voice! Not seen him before but think he's doing ok since he's been thrown in the deep end!
  14. F

    What a dull Beauty Day...

  15. F

    Jill Franks Appreciation thread

    Just to add I think Jill's doing a really good job presenting beauty brands today, she seems to have an excellent rapport with the guests and her hair is looking fab IMO. Keep it up Jill!
  16. F

    Alison Keenan has breast cancer

    My brother had breast cancer about 12 years ago, fortunately in a treatable encapsulated form. He lives in W. Australia and was interviewed on local radio and TV and was for a time spokesperson for breast cancer awareness in the state.
  17. F

    Viewers Beauty Claims.....

    I used to save my pocket money to buy my mum "Soir de Paris" and "California Poppy" from Woolies too. As a 12/13 year old thought they were the height of sophistication. Poor mum always pretended she loved them too!
  18. F

    What was the last TSV you bought?

    The Elemis in Dec was my last TSV and last QVC purchase.
  19. F

    Burly Bear - Fame at last!!

    Oh I never knew that! would have been great to watch those interviews and see behind the scenes, surely that could only have been to QVC's benefit?
  20. F

    Catherine Huntley

    Not Catherine's best look IMO as I prefer her more sophisticated styles, but good on her for trying something different and not getting stuck in a rut! She's a good looking woman and still young enough to have a bit of fun with her hair.