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  1. C

    James Russell so boring

    WEll, I just ordered a wee amethyst piece and as soon as I dialled the number James was saying "Hello Kirsten. How are you, Kirsten?", and i must confess i got quite a thrill! It's a sad sign of my stay-at-home-Mum, man-free life that I got a thrill from a handsome man on the telly saying...
  2. C

    I love Jill Franks.

    OK, OK, I don't love JF but I don't mind her at all, she's definitely not the worst presenter on QVC (in my humble AY-hating opinion!). She gets so many negative comments here, I just wonder if there is anyone else here (or on the planet) who doesn't hate JF?
  3. C

    Hmm - Milkhouse Creamery Candles

    I have bought Yankee candles in the past, but with the recession and all that, I'm really reluctant to spend loads of money on candles, especially because I've had tunnelling and blackening problems with Yankee candles in the past. My daughter is still in nappies, so I do feel I need to have...
  4. C

    Kyanite Ring

    That is a lovely looking ring (despite the blur!). Well done on a fab purchase, I hope you enjoy it. So, what's the catch with kyanite? How come it's so pretty and reasonably priced yet you hardly ever see it? Just curious, and after seeing this thread I think I'm going to keep an eye out...
  5. C

    Mother's Day present ideas

    Gordon Bennett. Are they ceramic? How big are they? I wouldn't even buy one of these for my MIL, and her favourite film is, apparently, Beverly Hills Pooch (something like that, it's a real film, I've seen her watch it).
  6. C

    From Midnight Tonight .......

    Sorry, it is Julian. :mysmilie_34: I wasn't properly watching (and I've had a bottle or two of Londis finest!). Welll, spotted, Finsnan!
  7. C

    From Midnight Tonight .......

    Yeah, dollydimple, are you psychic?! It was pathetic... Craig goes "But the fanfare is just the same"... and then comes the TSV tune, but it sounds like a very bad ringtone! Craig, gawd bless 'im, looked a little bit stunned, but he carried on.
  8. C

    How pretty is this?

    Aaaah. The bracelet I received yesterday (see my other thread re my first purchase) came in an Iliana box too. I was mighty impressed, it made the bracelet seem even more special. Is that sad? So I can't expect the same packaging for future cheapie purchases?... No worries, it's not like...
  9. C

    Dogs in bali

    Whatever. Rabies is a problem in Bali, wild dogs potentially carry rabies, it's a fairly poor nation (yes?) so they have to do something cheap and effective. I'd rather hear of a thousand dead dogs than one person dead from rabies. (I'm not a hater of animals at all, btw, I just don't have...
  10. C

    John Barrowman comes to QVC

    I think he's a hoot, and even if he is gay as a daffodil, he's still very easy on the eye. I love that jeans/white shirt combo. I think Jill has been fine with him, not too gushy at all, but I'm not a JF-hater. Loved that he did his Scottish accent too, that's always a surprise when you hear...
  11. C

    My first TJC purchase

    Right, let's see if this works: Never done this imaging thing before on this site...
  12. C

    My first TJC purchase

    I just received my first ever purchase from TJC - a silver/platinum plated amethyst line bracelet. It is absolutely incredible and I'm chuffed to bits with it. It only cost £40, but you'd never think so, it's very weighty and the 22 amethysts are gorgeous. I'm worried now that I've opened the...
  13. C

    GemsTV Launch ‘From Italy with Love’

    My silver single-strand 'ballando' bracelet arrived today and it's absolutely lovely. Very sparkly and delicate - I think it'll become a permanent fixture on my left wrist, next to my two silver bangles that I've worn for 25 and 6 years respectively. Nice one, Gems, I'm very pleased with your...
  14. C

    NV Perricone

    I'm not tempted by the Perricone range (Alison suggesting that £500 moisturisers are on the way really put me off: it's too much like fantasy nonsense and made me doubt her claims regarding this product), but I did buy the Alpha-H TSV recently and I'm undecided on it. I know this is going to...
  15. C

    How pretty is this?

    They had quite a few very tempting bits & bobs yesterday, my card was twitching big time... But I managed to resist temptation as I'm waiting for my very first TJC order to come through...) That pendant is fabulous, a cracking bargain. Well done!
  16. C

    James Russell so boring

    I'm going to stick my head above the parapet here and say that James has actually grown on me a little bit. At first he was doing all those silly wee intakes of breath and verbal tics that drove me mad, but he seems to have calmed all that down and he's not half so annoying. Or is this just...
  17. C

    gemsTV unique selling point. What is it?

    They had seriously the most beautiful ring I've seen in years the other night. A big 3ct+ square tanzanite with pear-cut diamonds on either side and diamonds down the shoulders. It was flipping gorgeous, and despite crying and begging my dh to let me buy it, I was denied (yeah, like we have...
  18. C

    GemsTV Launch ‘From Italy with Love’

    I bought one of the silver bracelets last night, thought it looked mighty pretty and unusual. Looking forward to seeing it, will keep you posted.
  19. C

    What the heck is Vicki on about!

    Well, you learn something new every day! I never knew that Kunzite fades. I don't own any Kunzite and it's not something that has ever tempted me, and knowing that it fades means I probably never will be tempted by it. Thank you ladies! PS. I have a blueberry quartz ring that I bought from...