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  1. Catkins

    Lisa Brash Officially left.

    I think that she must have been covering for the gorgeous Chris Rhodes as he's not been well bless him.
  2. Catkins

    Beth, give it a rest, Luv!

    I like her. At least she isn't wooden like some of them. My name is Catkins and I like Quacker, Craig Rowe and Beth - is there hope for me?? *hangs head and shuffles away*
  3. Catkins

    At Last.

    I couldn't agree more. Those of you that haven't, may I suggest that you read her blogs form the last 12 months where she candidly talks about how the effects of chemo and having a mastectomy made her feel. Read the replies she got too, which incidentally she replied to every single one, a...
  4. Catkins

    At Last.

    I think her colour was mainly due to the Laura Geller b&b which I don't think was her natural shade and did look a tad cakey. Plus, non of us knows what meds she is on and they may be making her face appear puffier than usual. I think she looks ****** amazing considering what she's been...
  5. Catkins


    QVC shouldn't have accepted it IMO as, to cut a label out of something you must have liked it enough to think you were going to keep it!! I have some clothing items that I have had to cut the label out of as it feels itchy but certainly not within the first couple of wears of a garment. This...
  6. Catkins

    Michele doesn't get any better does she?

    I have to say that of all her gadawfull pieces, her trousers are OK as they do tend to be a solid cover and not like caravan curtains circa 1964!! Well done you for the confession. XX
  7. Catkins

    Michele doesn't get any better does she?

    I think it's truly the worst clothing line QVC do and I love Quacker so I know what I'm talking about!!!!
  8. Catkins

    Where are they ?

    How about that Bradley bloke that did those nice leather jackets? Haven't seen him for ages.
  9. Catkins

    Please no!! I couldn't help but laugh!!!

    Hand it to someone to put in the bin!!!:giggle::grin:
  10. Catkins

    Peter Sherlock

    I really like him like that. I think the rugged look really works for him. I know he's on the other bus but I thought he looked really sexy.
  11. Catkins

    Shut up about your nylon flannel

    I too am fed up to the back teeth with Northern ****** Nights bedding. It feels like every other day is a NN TSV. For gawds sake QVC stop being so fecking lazy and please give us something else!!!! *and breathes out*
  12. Catkins

    Asda customer care NOT :angry::angry::angry:

    I agree with Sazza too. Although the whole incident has been bought to a satisfactory conclusion re you DD getting a replacement Nintendo, you have still been made to feel like it's all your fault. I think the CEO would like to know that his staff who, let's face it, in this instance are acting...
  13. Catkins

    Emu's and Jeggings.

    I wear leggings and boots as I have dancers calves (even though I'm not a dancer!!) so can't tuck jeans into them. Mind you, as I've said before, I like Quacker and Craig Rowe so what do I know *legs it before stuff is thrown or someone calls the fashion police*
  14. Catkins

    Are Q's Beauty Brands Pricing You Out?

    I too have gone back to the High Street as QVC no longer seem to be value for money. I would, however, have tried the Liz Earle TSV if it had been on EZ pay as I've wanted to try her Superskin moisturiser and the Skin tint, but nearly £50 with p&p meant I just couldn't justify it.
  15. Catkins

    Ultrasun help needed

    Me too. I don't use anything else by way of additional moisturiser when I use it. I don't even bother with a make-up primer as I find that I don't need one.
  16. Catkins

    Asda customer care NOT :angry::angry::angry:

    I just cannot believe this. Honestly, their only defence is that "the sold you a sealed box"!! Yes, a sealed box with a can of sweetcorn in it. Asda should be looking at some of their or Nintendo's light fingered staff not persecuting it's customers!! I really hope that the CEO sees sense and...
  17. Catkins

    Asda customer care NOT :angry::angry::angry:

    OMG madmax that is disgraceful!!! I do so hope that you have now got this sorted out and your DD has her long awaited Nintendo 3DS. Hopefully the store manager will be a bit more human than the duty manager. Please let us know how you got on.
  18. Catkins

    EMU TSV 3rd Feb

    I would LOVE a pair of Emu boots but simply cannot afford them so a ****** Emu TSV every week is really rubbing my nose in it!!:angry::sad:
  19. Catkins

    Should Sit Up and all TV shopping channels be made to mention the P&P cost...

    And they should make multi buy clearer too as they neglect to mention that the p&p still applies to each item and they are only saving on the cost of a call per item!! Very misleading in my opinion.
  20. Catkins

    AY on smashbox hour now

    I thought AY looked dreadful. What the hell was she thinking?? Is there not a light or a mirror in her dressing room??!! Surely the "resident beauty expert" shouldn't look like a bag of sh#% tied up to coin a phrase used my my dear on Nan!!