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  1. tootsie

    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    I've just re-read and noticed a heap of spelling mistakes, so I dunno about eloquent lol, but it is a very emotive subject, I can see how some people so strongly on the subject.
  2. tootsie

    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    I would argue about disabled people having a more limited potential, Steven Hawking being a fantastic case in point but that is veering from the point :1:... I find this whole subject fascinating, and I wonder just how much of is culturally dictated (98% at a guess) We know longer farm our own...
  3. tootsie

    Grundig LCD TSV

    Thanks mini, I'm not sure what Grundig are like as a brand :)
  4. tootsie

    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    I'm really not wanting to get into a silly argument here but are you really saying if it came to a decision between saving a human's life and an animal's life you'd put them both on equal footing?
  5. tootsie

    Grundig LCD TSV

    I'm tempted to get this - is it any good? I've never had an LCD tv, and like the look of this one, the easy payment is swaying me!
  6. tootsie

    Basso Fri 19th Sept

    So, it does all just boil down to personal choice then, some are offended by eating/wearing animal products, and others aren't?
  7. tootsie

    Beauty day/L'Occitane TSV 12th October

    I used to be the same, but in the last TSV I really didn't like the hand cream, it was honey and something, can't remember what, anyway it was really sweet and sickly. I didn't like to throw it away, so I used it if I was going outside and that way the smell had a while to dissipate. Also, if...
  8. tootsie

    Beauty day/L'Occitane TSV 12th October

    I want buckets and buckets and buckets and buckets and buckets of body lotion. Sorry :D
  9. tootsie

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    Awwww, now you're making me want to change my mind on my no AD for cosmetics stance :18: I'm such a pushover :4:
  10. tootsie

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    Have we ever had an SB TSV on AD? I don't know if I'd buy cosmetics on AD, I have too many already and I'm too tempted by new ones, I'd forget about the AD and I'd end up with a mountain of the stuff.
  11. tootsie

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    Oooohhhhhh, sounds promising! That's hardly likely to be the TSV price though, is it?
  12. tootsie

    travelon tsv thursday

    Too small for me, I need huge, and I mean really HUGE bags.
  13. tootsie

    E-mail from LeeAnne at Alpha H regarding Liquid Gold usage

    I contacted Lee Anne at Alpha H asking her to clarify the usage instructions regarding Liquid gold, and asking if it was safe to use twice daily. I advised her I would be posting her repsonse on a public forum, here is her reply. My name is LeeAnne and I am the resident Beauty Therapist here...
  14. tootsie

    Loccitane TSV AD

    I'm just off the phone with CS. My problem was also caused with an expired CC, but the problem was QVCs, not mine. I had phoned them with my new card details, they could see that I had as payments had been made from my new card, but for some reason they hadn't saved the new card details, nor...
  15. tootsie

    Pink Ribbon earphones in You magazine

    It has? I've been too busy to read all the threads on here Donna so I'm not current with all the gossip, so thanks for telling me :)
  16. tootsie

    Pink Ribbon earphones in You magazine

    They'll probably be for sale on the BCC night, they do look lovely, don't they?
  17. tootsie

    Excite me, please!

    I don't think there's another one until nearer Christmas :(
  18. tootsie

    Excite me, please!

    I haven't been tempted by any of the TSVs since the Nails Inc one, and I am only mildly excited by the impending Smashbox one. Come on QVC, excite me, I haven't bought anything in ages!
  19. tootsie

    Loccitane TSV AD

    Mine is cancelled!! They are going to get someone to phone me to explain why, I'm not happy :mad:
  20. tootsie

    Liquid Gold

    Awww bless her, will it leave a scar or will it heal alright? She must have been terrified!