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  1. loubylou

    All new price drop

    If you were in your local department store took something to the till and the salesperson went sorry you can't have that there would be uproar
  2. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Just spotted the p&p on the mop £9.99!!!! You wouldn't want to win
  3. loubylou

    All new price drop

    That will always happen this time of night cos most people are in bed it's just completely and utterly ill thought out
  4. loubylou

    All new price drop

    He famously prefers facebook to twitter but i'm really wanting to dm shylock and air my annoyance not that it's his fault just giving feedback like he always wants
  5. loubylou

    All new price drop

    MARK RYES!!!!!! it's not ok to say if you lose at least the phonecall is free you're missing the point people if they so choose should be able to actually get what they want
  6. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Dave i've been watching on and off all day and i'm still confused! It's ridiculous that you want something but can't have it i mean what logic is that?
  7. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Caroline looked really uncomfortable with new format kept fiddling with her hair did actually feel sorry for her a bit
  8. loubylou

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Lol female darts player
  9. loubylou

    All new Price Drop

    Lets see if they listen to their customers like they say they do
  10. loubylou

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Peter and anita talking about the mixer she was trying to explain putting different bits on the machine she got stuck for words peter "do you mean the attachments?" Anita " no the round things" oh dear
  11. loubylou

    All new price drop

    What a bloomin crazy idea hopefully people will wise up and not bother
  12. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Just occurred to me if you use the website do you still not get what you want if not enough people buy?
  13. loubylou

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Pervy pete took him all of 1min to mention "our bet" he's as bad as gollum although can't believe i'm defending gollum do forgive me won't happen again his family members are "real" least think they are lol
  14. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Yes deedee noone gets the item and don,'t worry i've been baffled also still am
  15. loubylou

    All new price drop

    It can't be far off for people to think well if i might not get what i want why bother trying?
  16. loubylou

    All new price drop

    That's it deedee madness isn't it?
  17. loubylou

    Have Ojon left QVC?

    Hope percy and reed don't disappear he's quite cute the one who presents :) aside from that i like the products
  18. loubylou

    Random musings/no argument zone

    These prices on bid where they are lower than the usual bid price i swear i heard sally say earlier the prices of things she had during her shift were going back up when she finished
  19. loubylou

    Have Ojon left QVC?

    Thought i'd not seen it for a while shame if they have left i know they changed to that other guy to demo but did like dennis when he was on
  20. loubylou

    All new price drop

    Would be a sight pete gets confused anyway imagine all this winning/better luck next time nonsense he'd get in right state lol