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    any review for Judith Williams skincare

    I'm using the phytominerals range at the moment as I wanted to break my this year's increasingly expensive gatineau habit - like the look of them (purple bottles!) and think they are working ok, but skin not as smooth feeling as with gatineau, definitely. I'm in my forties and combination/...
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    Charlie Lapson

    I dislike Mr Lapson...oleaginous man! There, I've wanted to use that word for ages! But it's SO bad to expect us all to be swooning over his pricey bags and diamoneek concoctions just because a 'sleb' once wore something similar. He can't think much of our intelligence if he really believes...
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    my viewing habits have changed - have yours?

    What an interesting thread... I absolutely agree that QVC seems a lot more repetitive these days, the same few shows on a sort of repeat cycle throughtout their featured day, like NN, M Hope etc ad nauseum recently. I actually find this quite depressing if I'm generally working or pottering...
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    Silver Diamonique Tsv Friday 30 July

    Agree with all, TSV and matching items look very samey to me. Also, in what way is 'simulated green diamond' so different from the unrealistic flawless simulated emerald they've been doing in diamoneek for years?? Kind of relieved I'm not tempted by these as I went for a Judith Ripka ring the...
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    Kelly Hoppen - could she love herself any more ?

    just caught a bit of this - KH talking about 'Victoria' loving the range, oh dear, unpleasant celeb snobbery...
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    Diamonique Day 24th June

    I've gone for the stonking purple dmq pendant. Couldn't resist! Well possibly could have but didn't...
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    Prai Beauty TSV 23/6/10

    Lol she missed a trick there Akimbo, she should have done a promo video of her 'dropping' in on the holy monks who would unveil their timless beauty secret in a golden haze... I agree about the severe over-application of orangey make up too. Not a good look!
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    Prai Beauty TSV 23/6/10

    Yes I'm rather taken by the prai root 'secret' imparted by the mystical monks...wonder what they're thinking about her subsequent business venture with it! Shame she couldn't bring one on set with her...
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    Veronese TSV?

    Aagh - I've gone for it. Didn't mean to but stardust very pretty looking and I seem to be liking all the Veronese stuff more and more despite Ginetta saying all the same things every time she visits - perhaps some sort of cumulative hypnotic effect! I did think they should have got a slightly...
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    Unbelievable Kim and Co prices

    lol! I remember the first time I came across a Kim & co show and couldn't understand how Kim never seems to stop for breath. There's something about her relentless cadences which makes me feel quite seasick...just when you think she's coming to the end of a sentence she lurches on to another one...
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    QVC - Stating the obvious...

    My OH was finding the idea of ordering 'six perfumed tarts' quite funny too this morning...ah well...
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    CEW Awards...

    Hilarious! And a pretty literal actual rendition of AYs present literally giggling into my actual glass of wine and causing all sorts of lines and wrinkles around the eye area by so doing...
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    Purple Diamoaneek

    thanks gemster - I resisted this eve but will go for some in due course...isn't it funny how they've mugged up all those details about priceless purple diamonds in an effort to persuade us to buy...!
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    Purple Diamoaneek

    Hello all, just wondering whether anyone has tried purple diamoneek and what you thought of it? I do love all things purple and have lots of amethyst and a charoite ring, am a bit restless and tempted by the Q's latest CZ concoction...any advice? I'm not really convinced I can suggest I've...
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    Laura Geller TSV USA today.

    looks nice! I'm happy with my 'chocolate box' of LG but something brighter for spring/summer makes sense. Just have to consider my budget..
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    Can you carry off the big, bold ring styles?

    Hello Mavornia, I wonder if you've been enjoying the shiny-but-pricey things on gem day! Sounds like you have a busy if rewarding time with your children. I know what you mean about big rings. But I don't think you necessarily need a big personality to wear them. Just a bit of confidence and/or...
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    Saying Hello

    Thanks Sausage and lovely to get such a warm welcome from you all! Ax
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    No longer lurking!

    Hello fellow (sister?) newbie! A.
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    big bold ring

    Yes, it must have been deliberate...I seem to remember a previous gem day where they stopped talking about the TSV ring which clearly wasn't selling and switched to OTOs anyway. I've not yet succumbed to anything... Amusing Morning Show duo of Claire and the unlikely sounding Prof though I must say!
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    Saying Hello

    Hello all, I've been lurking for a while but have just registered properly and wanted to say hello. I have been enjoying all the recent posts enormously! Hoping for lots of support on here tomorrow. I work from home some of the time so am vulnerable to the theatre of gems, especially after my...