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  1. F

    Presenters contracts and botox

    I thought that Karen was dropped because of all the work she had done? At one point she was a regular fixture - never see her now. I don't understand why there should be a policy on botox. It's very behind the times - the world and his wife have had something done in my neck of the woods. A...
  2. F

    Kelly Hoppen TSV 22/01/13

    I was half tempted to get it, but decided not to as I thought the quality of the fabric looked a bit iffy on screen. Glad I didn't. I generally think you get what you pay for. In particular, anything with a sheen can look a bit cheap and nasty if it isn't reasonable quality fabric. Think I shall...
  3. F

    Talk about flogging a dead horse

    Yes, sold out. Pipa has just announced :hi:
  4. F

    Liz Earle TSV 27/1/13 - Beauty Day

    I do miss the dulcet tones of Dame Liz. Caroline is ok but it's not the same. I think I must be the only person that doesn't like cleanse and polish - which is a bit of a bummer 'cos it always seems to be in the kits.
  5. F

    Presenters on the shopping channel merry-go-round

    A lot of them are failed actors/fomer djs, gameshow dolly birds & chorus line hoofers. They should be able to adjust their style to the demands of the channel. I don't see being on one channel should bar you from moving to another.
  6. F

    Boy wonder is looking flippin old

    He certainly needs to ditch those insipid twin-sets which he has worn to death over the last few years. In case you haven't noticed, Charlie, fashion has moved on. :wink:
  7. F

    Things are getting a bit hairy at Yankee

    Did I hear mention that Craig had tweeted in that he had purchased the OTO for his 'gift drawer'? Trust him - he must have half of QVC's inventory piled up in his flat.
  8. F

    Boy wonder is looking flippin old

    Thought that for a long time. Hair beginning to look like a shredded wheat perched on his bonce. I have heard mention of him using some of the QVC skincare brands but it doesn't seem to have done him much good - looks older than his years. :wonder:
  9. F

    Enormous hair..

    I think that's what is called a Croydon face-lift
  10. F

    Shaping up to a future on TV

    Julia once stood in for her, playing 'the expert', with another presenter asking the questions
  11. F

    Gatineau Throat Gel Shocker!

    I gave up waiting for the neck gel so picked a couple of other items instead. The choice of products on the new passport is much less appealing - another reason not to stick with Gatineau :wonder:
  12. F

    Oh dear. Dearie dearie me..... They didnt.... Did they?

    That was when Julia had a penchant for jackets with the sleeves rolled back to expose the lining. Is that Dave Bradford I spy in the background? QVC's original Mr Boring. :nod:
  13. F

    Beauty Bash Prize Draw

    Me neither. I practically live in Peter Jones.
  14. F

    Ingrid what are you like?

    Ingrid looks a mess but I think some of the pieces look quite nice. It is not cheap, but it does look well made. Personally, I would rather invest in a few good items rather than a load of cheap tat. Always amazed when I see people laden down with Primark carrier bags full to bursting point with...
  15. F

    Elemis rip-off

    Debbie is on now (5 pm Beauty Problem Solvers) saying that she doesn't know how much longer the old tsv will be around for so get it now - which probably means it will still be knocking around in Feb.
  16. F

    Scared Stiff

    Yes, I heard him say that. Not knowing how many letters in your own name. Odd, to say the least.
  17. F

    Moira C and her Chi Chi - POTD

    She might look daft but she must be laughing all the way back to that windmill of hers. That stuff must be cheap as chips to produce - let's face it, you would hardly need an artisan to run up a Chi Chi! :talking:
  18. F

    Scared Stiff

    Yes, another no-show from Jilly :wonder:
  19. F

    Moira C and her Chi Chi - POTD

    I'm hoping that 'Chi Chi' isn't a euphemism for something? Like watching Moira for her entertainment value, but £40 for a couple of bits of cheap looking acrylic fur and a couple of those scarflace things? Sorry, that doesn't sound much like a bargain to me. :talking: And I don't see how having...
  20. F

    Win 24 and that Sharnette

    Well it sounds like a right waste of money to me. Wouldn't dream of entering it. I can think of a lot better things to spend the best part of three hundred quid on :down: