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  1. mermaid

    QVC Christmas Cards are on their way!

    I got one today. I've been really poorly with flu and the sight of all that lot grinning at me really cheered me up NOT!!!!
  2. mermaid

    Yet again

    Yup! On hold for cs now as site crashed and I've no idea if it went through. Of course it helps to be told every 30 seconds that I could go online! Aaaaarrrrggghh!!!
  3. mermaid

    An Elemis TSV before Christmas?

    Poo! Gotta stay awake a biiiit longer :glass:!
  4. mermaid

    An Elemis TSV before Christmas?

    Where are the easy pays?????
  5. mermaid


    I got them last year and they were fab! Not been out this week due to nasty flu but they are ready and waiting for when I'm better.
  6. mermaid

    Alison Young

    If she is, it explains all the snow - hell has frozen over :giggle:
  7. mermaid

    Irritating product demos

    AY going on about how Amica uses 'this' product all the time. Glad she told me - that woman has sooooo many lines on her face there's no way I want to be using what she does!!!!
  8. mermaid

    Postage & Packing costs

    As long as people keep buying why would they change? They will never do anything about p&p (except put it up!) unless sales drop off significantly!! Vote with your wallet :)
  9. mermaid

    QVC model spotting

    Renee is on my current knitting pattern so I have to look at her all the time!! Fortunately she has a nice cardi on in that piccy, not like those others!!!!!!
  10. mermaid

    Bcc kipling

    Got mine today and I like it. My monkey was a bit flat though! Needs a few bananas!! My only gripe is that one of the pocket flaps was folded up in the packet so it sticks up. I don't think I should try ironing it though??
  11. mermaid

    Cowboy crafting ad...

    Exactly right. DB said Rosemary was poorly and so couldn't make it. Lucky Rosemary!
  12. mermaid

    Julia Roberts's Blog

    Blimey, they're a bit rough! Think most blokes would rather have something nice to look at. Still, if it raises money it'll be worth it.
  13. mermaid

    Breast Cancer Care - 13/10/10

    I ended up with 2 kipling bags on my account and another 4 in my basket!!!!!
  14. mermaid

    QVC Calender

    Mind you, 12 months of AH in the buff with some strategically placed bits of tech kit......
  15. mermaid

    QVC Calender

    Oh good grief!!!! It's not even FREE?!?!?!?!
  16. mermaid

    Hmmph. Advanced Order now marked 'Cancelled'

    When it happened to me they said it was because they couldn't authorize my card so they cancelled it! This always happens with my debit card so I use my cc instead now for advanced orders/easy pay. It was an advanced order too. A phone call would have been nice but they did sort it and I got the...
  17. mermaid

    Hmmph. Advanced Order now marked 'Cancelled'

    Give them a call. This happened to me with elemis once and cs sorted it for me.
  18. mermaid

    QVC Models

    When I saw Renee on the kipling hour last night I thought she looked like she needed a good wash!!! She is also the model on my current knitting pattern so I have to see her all the time! Lovely hair though.
  19. mermaid

    Suggestions please!

  20. mermaid

    Suggestions please!

    No but I do have a small kipling bag for my doggy treats and poo bags :happy: - Marie antoinette never has THOSE in HER bag!!